TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
Transfer Case Support.
F o r removal of transfer case support, refer to Part 1,
para 8-6.
( 2 ) C l e a n i n g . There are no special cleaning procedures required. Refer
t o cleaning procedures given in Part 1, para 1-3.
(3) Inspection and Repair.
(a) Check brackets, braces, supports and crossmembers for cracks,
breaks and distortion. Check for loose rivets and screws.
( b ) Fix minor damage by straightening or welding. If rivets or
s c r e w s are missing, get new ones. R e f e r to TM 9-237.
( c ) If brackets, braces, supports and crossmembers have major
d a m a g e , get new ones.
F o r replacement of transfer case support refer to
(4) Replacement.
P a r t 1, para 8-6.
R e a r of Transfer Frame Crossmember.
( a ) Take off truck body from truck frame on trucks M51A2, M52A2,
M 5 4 A 2 , M54A2C, and M55A2. Refer to paras 16-26, 16-27, and 16-28.
R e f e r to Part 1, paras 8-7 and 8-8.
(b) Take off transfer linkage.
U s i n g a center punch and drill take out four rivets (1) from rear of
transfer crossmember (2) and frame (3).
D o step 1 for other side.
T a k e rear of transfer crossmember off truck frame.
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