![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
( 1 ) Cleaning. There are no special cleaning procedures required. Refer to
c l e a n i n g procedures given in Part 1, para 1-3.
(2) Inspection and repair.
C h e c k that
air cylinder shell (1) has no scored inner surface, damaged seal
surface or
stripped screw threads. Using crocus cloth or no. 00 steel
w o o l , take
off small scratches and corrosion. If air cylinder shell needs more
r e p a i r , get
a new one.
C h e c k that air control line (2) has no dents, cracks or damaged or stripped
f i t t i n g s threads. If air control line is damaged, get a new one.
C h e c k that piston (3) and two plates (4) have no breaks or distortion. If
p a r t s are damaged, get new ones.
U s i n g ruler, check that length of helical spring (5) is 12 3/8 inches. If
s p r i n g is not this length, get a new one.
P u s h down on helical spring (5) until it is 2 3/4-inches high and let it go
b a c k to full height. Measure spring length again. If it is not 12 3/8 inches,
get a new one.
C h e c k that slave cylinder tube (6) has no corrosion, scoring, cracks or
s t r i p p e d threads. Using micrometer, check that bore of slave cylinder tube
i s between 1.125 and 1.126 inches.
I f slave cylinder tube (6) is within given limits, take off small scratches and
c o r r o s i o n using honing stone. If slave cylinder tube is damaged or is not
w i t h i n given limits, get a new one.
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