![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-1
Open up oil passages with a wire probe to break up sludge
and gum d e p o s i t s . T h e r e are no special cleaning procedures
r e q u i r e d . R e f e r to cleaning procedures given in para 1-3.
( 1 ) Use magnaflux equipment, if available, or a magnifying glass and a
s t r o n g light to check camshaft assembly for wear to cam lobes and
b e a r i n g surfaces.
(2) Check for scuffing, scoring or scratches.
(3) Check for stripped or damaged threads. Refer to TM 9-2815-210-34.
(4) Check keyway for damage or oversize.
( 5 ) Measure diameter of camshaft journals.
( 6 ) Check that measurements are within wear limits. If not, replace with a
n e w camshaft assembly. R e f e r to TM 9-2815-210-34.
( 1 ) Repairs to the camshaft assembly are limited to taking out minor
s c r a t c h e s , burrs and nicks from camshaft lobes and bearing contact
D r y cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not
u s e near an open flame. K e e p a fire extinguisher
n e a r b y when solvent is used. Use only in well-
v e n t i l a t e d p l a c e s . Failure to do this may result
i n injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
( 2 ) Use crocus cloth soaked in dry cleaning solvent and a fine mill file
t o take out nicks, scratches or burrs from camshaft assembly.
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