![]() TM
M a t e r i a l s Used for Cleaning, Preserving, Abrading and Cementing
TM 9-247
O r d n a n c e Materiel and Related Materials Including Chemicals.
TM 9-214
I n s p e c t i o n , Care and Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings.
1 - 4 . P A I N T I N G . I n s t r u c t i o n s for the preparation of the material for painting, how
to paint and material to be used are in TM 43-0139. I n s t r u c t i o n s for camouflage paint-
i n g are contained in TB 43-0209. S t e n c i l i n g and marking must be done periodically
d u e to weathering or repainting. I n s t r u c t i o n s for marking military trucks is called
o u t in TB 746-93-1.
1 - 5 . TORQUE VALUES. C r i t i c a l torque values for a particular component are given
i n the maintenance procedures. W h e n torque values are not given, bolts, screws
a n d nuts are to be tightened as given in table 1-1.
1 - 6 . SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. S p e i c a l tools and equipment are provided
to make it easier to do particular maintenance tasks and to keep the truck in good
r e p a i r . Table 1-2 lists the special tools and equipment and gives a reference to
t h e maintenance paragraph where they are used and what they are used for.
T B 43-0142 for safety inspection and testing of lifting devices used in this manual.
1 - 8 . FORMS AND RECORDS. M a i n t e n a n c e forms, records, and reports which are to
b e used by maintenance personnel at all levels are listed in and prescribed by
TM 38-750.
T h e quarterly Equipment Improvement Report and Maintenance Digest, TB 43-0001-39
s e r i e s , contains valuable field information on the equipment covered in this manual.
The information in the TB 43-0001-39 series is compiled from some of the Equipment
I m p r o v e m e n t Reports that you prepared on the vehicles covered in this manual.
M a n y of these articles result from comments, suggestions, and improvement recom-
m e n d a t i o n s that you submitted to the EIR program. The TB 43-0001-39 series
c o n t a i n s information on equipment improvement, m i n o r alterations, proposed Modifi
c a t i o n Work Orders (MWO's), warranties (if applicable), actions taken on some of
y o u r DA Form 2028's (Recommended Changes to Publications), and advance informa-
t i o n on proposed changes that may affect this manual. In addition, the more
m a i n t e n a n c e significant articles, including minor alterations, fieldfixes, etc., that
h a v e a more permanent and continuing need in the field are republished in the
E q u i p m e n t Improvement Report and Maintenance Summary (EIR MS) for TARCOM
E q u i p m e n t (TM 43-0143). R e f e r to both of these publications (TB 43-0001-39 series
a n d TM 430143) periodically, especially the TB 43-0001-39 series, for the most
c u r r e n t and authoritative information on your equipment. The information will help
y o u in doing your job better and will help in keeping you advised of the latest
c h a n g e s to this manual. A l s o refer to DA Pam 310-4, Index of Technical Publica-
tions, and Appendix A, References, of this manual.
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