TM 11-6625-623-12
3-5. Daily Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart
c. Remove dust or dirt from the connectors
3-6. Cleaning
with a soft-bristled brush.
Inspect the exterior of the function test set,
module extenders, and the transit case. The
exterior surface should be clean, and free of
Checks and Services
dirt, grease, and fungus. Perform the following
Perform the maintenance functions indicated
procedures as specified in the daily preventive
in the monthly preventive maintenance checks
maintenance checks and services chart.
and services chart (para 3-8) once each month
in addition to the daily preventive maintenance
Caution: Do not press on the meter face when
checks and services (para 35). A month is
cleaning; the meter may become damaged.
defined as approximately 30 calendar days of
8-hour-per-day operation. Adjustment of the
a. Remove all loose foreign materials with a
maintenance interval must be made to compen-
clean, lint-free cloth.
sate for unusual operating conditions. Equip-
ment maintained in a standby (ready for
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in
immediate operation) condition must have
dirt with a cloth dampened (not wet) with wa-
monthly preventive maintenance checks and
ter and a mild soap.
services performed on it. Equipment in limited
storage (requires service before operation ) does
Caution: Do not use any cleaning solvent on
not require monthly preventive maintenance.
the front panels or where silk screening is used.
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