TM 11-6625-623-12
Note: The operator will perform operator and organizational maintenance.
systematic care and cleaning essential to proper
The maintenance duties assigned to the op-
upkeep and operation of the equipment.
erator are listed below, together with a refer-
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Serv-
ence to the paragraphs covering the specific
ices. The preventive maintenance checks and
maintenance functions. The paragraph includes
service charts (para 3-5, 38, and 311) out-
instructions for performing preventive and cor-
line functions to be performed at specific inter-
rective maintenance. No tools or materials other
vals. These checks and services maintain Army
than those listed in paragraph 32 are required.
electronic equipment in good general (physical)
a. Daily preventive maintenance checks and
condition and in good operating condition. To
services (para 34).
assist operators in maintaining serviceability,
b. Cleaning ( para 3-6).
the charts indicate what to check, how to check,
c. Monthly preventive maintenance checks
and the normal conditions; the Reference
and services (para 37).
column lists the paragraphs or manuals that
d. Preservation (para 3-9).
contain supplementary information. If the de-
fect cannot be remedied by performing the
e. Quarterly preventive maintenance checks
corrective action indicated, higher category of
and services (para 310).
maintenance or repair is required. Records and
reports of these checks and services must be
made in accordance with the requirements set
forth in TM 38750.
a. Phillip's screwdriver.
b. Blade screwdriver.
c. Lint-free cloth.
Checks and Services
d. Sandpaper, extra fine #000.
Preventive maintenance checks and services
e. Small, soft-bristled brush.
of the maintenance kit are required daily. A
Rubber electrician's tape.
daily period is defined as 8 hours of equipment
g. Materials for repainting.
operation. Paragraph 35 specifies checks and
services that must be accomplished daily or
under the special conditions listed below.
Preventive maintenance is systematic care,
a. When the equipment is initially installed.
servicing, and inspection of equipment to pre-
b. When the equipment is reinstalled after
vent the occurrence of trouble, to reduce down-
removal for any reason.
time, and to assure that the equipment is
c. At least once each week if the equipment
is maintained in a standby condition.
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
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