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TM 11-6625-601-34
unit MHz control wires, designated A through
simulator, causing the lamp to light. Setting
E, are connected, through jack J101 on the
switch on
C-3835/ARC-54 and CONT UNIT jack J16 on the
C-3835/ARC-54 to the squelch disable position
simulator, to CONTROL UNIT TEST switch
applies ground through pin V of jack J101 to pin
S12. From switch S12, the unit MHz control
V of jack J16 on the test set. From pin V of jack
J16, ground routes, through contacts 6 and 7 of
SELECTOR switches S11 and S10, and jack J33,
switch S11E (front), contacts 10 and 7 of switch
to the FREQUENCY MC readout counter in the
S 1 0 D (front), and pin 12 of jack J33, to
simulator. The fractional MHz control lines,
SQUELCH DIS SEC lamp DS4 in the simulator,
designated A through E, are connected, through
causing the lamp to light. Selecting the squelch
jack J101 on the C-3835/ARC-54 and jack J16
carrier mode of operation applies ground from
on the simulator, to switch S11. From switch
the C-3835/ARC-54, through pin W of jack J101,
S 1 1 , the fractional megacycle control lines
pin W of jack J16 on the test set, contacts 6 and
route through switch S10 and jack J33 to the
7 of switch S11C (front), contacts 10 and 11 of
F R A C T I O N A L MC readout counter in the
switch S8A (rear), and contacts 2 and 11 of
simulator. Lamps DS11, DS12, and DS2 light
switch S10D (front), to pin 8 of jack J33. From
w h e n odd-MHz frequencies, even-MHz fre-
pin 8 of jack J33, ground is applied to SQUELCH
quencies, and frequencies below 46 MHz, respec-
DIS CARR lamp DS5 in the simulator, causing
tively, are selected. Selecting an odd-megahertz
the lamp to light.
from the
applies a
c. Homing Operation Test. A voltage that
C-3835/ARC-54, through pin h of jack J101, pin
simulates left, right, and over-target homing
11 of jack J16 of the test set, contacts 9 and 10
signals originates in the simulator. The voltage,
of switch S11E (front), and contacts 11 and 8 of
applied to
switch S10C (rear), to pin 32 of jack J33. From
SELECTOR switch S3A (front), routes through
pin 32 of jack J33, the ground is applied to lamp
switch S10 to the vertical and horizontal needle
DS11 in the simulator, causing the lamp to light.
c i r c u i t s in INDICATOR ID-48/ARN. Setting
Selecting an even-megahertz frequency applies
switch S3 to LEFT applies a simulated homing
a ground from the C-3835/ARC-54, through pin
signal, through contacts 10 and 1 of switch S3A
i of jack J101, pin i of jack J16 on the test set,
(front), pin 19 of plug P4, and contacts 11 and
contacts 3 and 4 of switch S11B (rear), and con-
2 of switch S10E (front), to the vertical needle
tacts 11 and 8 of switch S10E (rear), to pin 37
circuit  in  the  ID-48/ARN.  Ground  for  the
of jack J33. From pin 37 of jack J33, the ground
simulated homing signal is applied, through
is applied to lamp DS12 in the simulator, which
contacts 5 and 6 of switch S3A (front), pin 17
causes the lamp to light. Selecting any fre-
of plug P4, contacts 7 and 10 of switch S10C
quency 46 megahertz or below applies a ground
(front), and contacts 1 and 12 of switch S11C
from the C-3835/ARC-54, through pin K of jack
(front), to pin t of jack J16. From pin t of jack
J101, pin K of jack J16 on the test set, and con-
J16, ground is routed through pin t of jack J101
to the homing circuit in the C-3835/ARC-54.
tacts 9 and 10 of switch S11B (rear), to pin 4
of jack J33. From pin 4 of jack J33, the ground
Ground from the homing circuit in the
is applied to lamp DS2 in the simulator, causing
C-3835/ARC-54 is applied through pin s of jack
the lamp to light.
J101 and pin s of jack J16 on the test set to the
vertical needle circuit in the ID-48/ARN, caus-
b. Squelch Control Test. Ground for the
ing the vertical needle to swing to the left. Sett-
squelch tone, squelch disable, and squelch car-
ing switch S3 to RIGHT reverses the ground
r i e r modes of operation originates in the
and the simulated homing signal applied to the
C-3835/ARC-54. Setting the squelch control
vertical needle circuit in the ID-48/ARN, which
switch on the C-3835/ARC-54 to one of three
causes the vertical needle to swing to the right.
positions applies a ground to the associated
Setting switch S3 to OVER TGT applies a
lamp in the simulator. Selecting the squelch
simulated over-target homing signal, through
tone mode of operation on the C-3835/ARC-54
contacts 10 and 3 of switch S3A (front), pin 20
applies a ground, through pin X of jack J101,
pin X of jack J16 on the test set, contacts 9 and
of plug P4, contacts 2 and 5 of switch S10D
10 of switch S11C (front), contacts 7 and 8 of
(rear), and contacts 4 and 3 of switch S11C
TONE SECURITY switch S8A (rear), and con-
(front), to pin MM of jack J16. From pin MM of
tacts 6 and 3 of switch S10D (front), to pin 9 of
jack J16, the simulated over-target homing
signal is applied through pin MM of jack J101
jack J33. From pin 9 of jack J33, ground is
to the homing circuit in the C-3835/ARC-54. The
applied to SQUELCH TONE lamp DS3 in the

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