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Page Title: Signal Path of TS-1967/ARC-54 Connected to Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-348/ARC-54
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TM 11-6625-601-34
simulated over-target homing signal is routed
include unit and functional megahertz selec-
from the homing circuit, through pin NN of jack
tion, odd- and even-megahertz ground control,
J101 and pin NN of jack J16, to the horizontal
and harmonic filter operation. Setting the fre-
needle circuit in the ID-48/ARN. Ground for the
quency selector on the test set to a specific fre-
simulated over-target homing signal is applied,
quency codes the unit and fractional megahertz
through contacts 5 and 8 of switch S3A (front),
control wires. This coded information is applied
pin 21 of plug P4, and contacts 2 and 5 of switch
to the tuning circuit in the RT-348/ARC-54. The
S10C (rear), to the horizontal needle circuit in
tuning circuit selects the operating frequency
the ID-48/ARN; this causes the horizontal nee-
of the RT348/ARC-54 corresponding to the
dle to swing down. Operating voltage of +27.5
coded information. The unit megahertz control
volts dc for the ID-48/ARN flags is obtained
wires, designated A through E, are connected,
from the C-3835/ARC-54. The voltage is applied
from the C-3835/ARC-54, through pin GG of jack
switches S11 and S1., RCVR/XMTR jack J11,
J101, pin GG of jack J16, and contacts 3 and 4
and plug P1005 of the RT-348/ARC-54, to the
of switch S11C (rear), to the flag circuit in the
tuning circuit. The fractional megahertz control
ID-48/ARN. Control ground for the flags is
wires, designated A through E, are connected,
obtained from retransmit ground switch S1.
through switches S11 and S10, jack J11, and
Setting switch S1 to RETRANS TONE or
plug P1005 of the RT-348/ARC-54, to the tuning
RETRANS CARR applies ground to pin 11 or
circuit. Selecting an odd-megahertz frequency
10, respectively, of plug P4. From pin 11 or 10,
applies ground from the frequency selector in
ground is applied through contacts 11 and 2 of
the test set, through contacts 8 and 10 of switch
switch S10F (front) or contacts 8 and 11 of
S11E (front), contacts 11 and 9 of switch S10C
switch S10D (rear), respectively, to pin Y or Z
(rear), pin 32 of jack J11, and pin 32 of plug
of jack J16. The retransmit carrier ground or
P1005, to
retransmit tone ground applied to pin Y or Z,
RT-348/ARC-54. Selecting an even-megahertz
respectively, of jack J16 is routed through pin
frequency applies ground from the frequency
selector in the test set, through contacts 2 and
Y or Z of jack J101 to the retransmit control
circuit in the C-3835/ARC-54. From the retran-
4 of switch S11B (rear), contacts 11 and 9 of
s m i t control circuit in the C-3835/ARC-54,
switch S10E (rear), pin 37 of jack J11, and pin
ground is routed, through pin FF of jack J101,
37 of plug P1005, to the tuning circuit in the
pin FF of jack J16 on the test set, and contacts
RT-348/ARC-54. When any frequency below 46
3 and 4 of switch S11F (front), to the flag circuit
megahertz is selected and transmit control
in the ID-48/ARN, which activates the flags.
switch S6 is set to PTT or XMIT, ground is
The homer operate voltage obtained from the
applied from S6 through the harmonic filter con-
homer circuit in the C-3835/ARC-54 is applied,
trol to contact 8 of switch S11B (rear). Ground
through pin DD of jack J101, pin DD of jack J16
is routed, through contacts 8 and 10 of switch
on the test set, and contacts 9 and 10 of switch
S11B (rear), pin 4 of jack J11, and pin 4 of plug
S 1 1 C (rear), to HOME lamp DS8 in the
P1005, to the harmonic filter circuit in the
simulator, which causes the lamp to light.
RT-348/ARC-54. Transmit control switch S6 is
normally in the RCV position as shown on figure
1-8. Signal Path of TS-1967/ARC-54 Con-
FO-5. When the switch is set to XMIT, contacts
nected to Receiver-Transmitter, Radio
3 and 5 open, and 6 and 7 close. Contacts 2 and
8, and 1 and 4 remain as shown. When the switch
is set to PTT, contacts 2 and 8 are closed, and
The operating functions of the RT-348/ARC-54
1 and 4 are open. Contacts 3 and 5, and 6 and
7 are as shown.
are checked by the test set. These functions
b. Transmit and Receive Audio Test. Transmit
i n c l u d e frequency  selection,  transmit and
receive audio operation, squelch control, and
audio is applied from a headset-microphone con-
homing operation. Test jacks on the front panel
nected to HEADSET jack J9 on the test set to
of the test set facilitate connection of the test
pin 3 of jack J9. From pin 3 of jack J9, transmit
equipment to the various circuits under test.
audio is applied to audio amplifier A1. Amplifier
a. Frequency Selection. The frequency selec-
circuits of transistors A1Q1, A1Q2, and A1Q3
tor on the test set simulates the frequency con-
amplify the transmit audio and route it to emit-
t r o l function normally obtained from the
ter follower A1Q4. From the emitter follower
C-3835/ARC-54 for operating the tuning circuit
A1Q4, transmit audio routes through contacts
in the RT348/ARC-54. The functions simulated
2 and 5 of RCVR/XMTR FUNCTION switch S9B

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