TM 11-6625-2609-12
Table 3-4 Troubleshooting
Probable cause
a. VHF COMM OFF-PWR switch is a. Set VHF COMM OFF-PWR switch
AN/ARC-134 meter does not
to PWR.
i n d i c a t e 27.5 vdc (-20%,
b. AN/ARC-134 meter switch not set b. Set meter switch to LINE V.
to LINE V.
Defective panel lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replace lamps (para 3-7).
Radio control or intercom con-
trol panel lamps do not light.
Replace lamps (para 3-8).
VHF COMM frequency counter
Defective frequency counter dial lamps
dials do not light.
c. Install a new lamp and rotate the lamp-
holder clockwise until it is secure.
Dial Indicator Lamps
2) one-quarter turn counterclockwise.
Intercom Control Panel Lamps
b. Slide the radio control forward and out of
the test panel.
terclockwise and remove it from the front panel.
b. Insert a new lamp into the lamp receptacle
cap and rotate the cap clockwise until it is secure.
2) and lift the cover from the radio control.
Test panel, indicator lamp locations.
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