TM 11-6625-2609-12
Section IV.
proceed through the functions until an abnormal
3-5. General
condition or result is obtained. When an abnor-
Troubleshooting this equipment at the operator
m a l condition is observed, refer to trouble-
or organizational category is based on the opera-
shooting table 3-4 and perform the checks and
tional checks continued in the monthly preventive
corrective actions indicated. If the corrective
maintenance checks and services (table 3-2). To
measures indicated do not result in correction of
the trouble, higher category maintenance is re-
troubleshoot the equipment, perform all functions
indicated in sequence number 7 in table 3-2 and
rates from the test panel.
Indicator Lamps
b. Extract the defective lamp from the lamp-
holder; use a knife blade or small screwdriver as
Be sure POWER CB circuit breaker is
a pry if the bulb is difficult to remove.
set to OFF.
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