TM 11-6625-163512
order directly below the SMR codes is the index
D-1. Scope
number assigned to the repair part.
This appendix contains a list of repair parts
(1) Source code (S). The selection status
required for the performance of organizational
a n d source for the listed item is noted here.
m a i n t e n a n c e for Maintenance Kit, Electronic
S o u r c e codes and their explanations are as
Equipment MK1004/ARC.
Note. No special tools, test and support equipment
are required.
P--Applies to repair parts that are stocked in
or supplied from the GSA/DSA, or
D-2. General
Army supply system, and authorized for
use at indicated maintenance categories.
The repair parts list is divided into the follow-
M--Applies to repair parts that are riot pro-
ing sections:
c u r e d or stocked but are to be manu-
a. Prescribed Load Allowance (PLA), Sec-
factured at indicated maintenance cate-
tion II. The PLA is a consolidated listing of
r e p a i r parts allocated for initial stockage at
A -- A p p l i e s to assemblies that are not pro-
the organizational maintenance category. This
cured or stocked as such but are made
is a mandatory minimum stockage allowance.
up of two or more units, each of which
b. Repair Parts for Organizational Mainten-
carries an individual stock number and
ance, Section III. Repair parts authorized for
description and is procured and stocked
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l maintenance are included in
a n d can be assembled by units at in-
this section.
dicated maintenance categories.
Note. The index noted below is cross-referenced to
X2--Applies to repair parts that are not
index numbers. The index numbers appear in ascend-
stocked. T h e i n d i c a t e d m a i n t e n a n c e
ing sequence in column 1 of the repair parts list (para
category requiring such repair parts
be the same for the item in all sections of this appendix.
w i l l attempt to obtain them through
cannibalization; if
c. Federal Stock Number Cross-Reference
t h r o u g h cannibalization, such repair
to Index Number, Section IV. This is a cross-
parts will be requisitioned with support-
-reference index of Federal stock numbers and
ing justification through normal supply
m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s part numbers to index num-
C -- A p p l i e s to repair parts authorized for
l o c a l procurement. If not obtainable
D-3. Explanation of Columns
f r o m local procurement, such repair
parts will be requisitioned through
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
normal supply channels with a support-
Codes (SMR) and Index Numbers Column.
i n g statement of nonavailability from
The first line in this column lists the applicable
local procurement.
S M R codes for the part. Listen in ascending
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