TM 11-6625-1635-12
subcolumn opposite the first appearance of the
(2) Maintenance code (M). T h e l o w e s t
item is the total quantity of items authorized
c a t e g o r y of maintenance authorized to install
for the number of equipments supported. Sub-
the listed item is noted here.
sequent appearances of the same item will have
O - - - - - - - - - Organizational maintenance
n o entry in the allowance columns, but will.
F - - - - - - - - - - Direct support maintenance
have a reference in the description column to
the first appearance of the item. Items author-
(3) Recoverability code (R). The infor-
i z e d for use as required, but not for initial
m a t i o n in this column indicates whether un-
stockage, are identified with an asterisk in the
s e r v i c e a b l e items should be returned for re-
allowance column.
covery or salvage. Recoverability code and its
explanation is as follows:
( 2 ) The quantitative allowances for or-
Note. When no code is indicated in the recover-
g a n i z a t i o n a l category of maintenance repre-
ability column, the part will be considered expendable.
sents one initial prescribed load for a 15-day
p e r i o d for the number of equipments sup-
R-Applies to repair parts and assemblies
ported. Units and organizations authorized ad-
w h i c h are economically repairable at
d i t i o n a l prescribed loads will multiply the
D S U and GSU activities and normally
number of prescribed loads authorized by the
are furnished by supply on an exchange
quantity of repair parts reflected in the appro-
priate density column to obtain the total
b. Federal Stock Number Column. The Fed-
quantity of repair parts authorized.
eral stock number for the item is listed in
(3) Subsequent changes to organizational
this column.
a l l o w a n c e s will be limited as follows: No
c. Description Column. This column includes
c h a n g e in the range of items is authorized,
t h e Federal item name and any additional
I f additional items are considered necessary,
d e s c r i p t i o n of the item required, the manu-
recommendation should be forwarded to Com-
facturer's part number (reference number),
manding General, U.S. Army Electronics Com-
a n d the applicable five-digit Federal Supply
M o n m o u t h , N.J., 07703, for exception or re-
subsequent appearances of the same item, the
vision to the allowance list. Revisions to the
m a n u f a c t u r e r ' s code and part number (refer-
range of items authorized will be made by the
e n c e number) are omitted. The words "same
USA ECOM National Maintenance Point based
as" followed by the index number assigned to
upon engineering experience, demand data, or
t h e item when it first appeared in the list
T A E R S information.
will follow the item name, e.g., "RESISTOR,
h. Illustrations Column.
Usable on code column is not used.
(1) Figure number (a). The number of
d. Unit of Issue Column. The unit used as a
the illustration in which the item is shown is
basis of issue (e.g., ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.) is in-
indicated in this column.
dicated in this column.
( 2 ) I t e m N o . o r reference designation
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack Col-
(b). Not used.
umn. Not used.
D-4. Location of Repair Parts
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Column.
The quantity of repair parts in an assembly is
a. This appendix contains one cross-ref-
given in this column. Subsequent appearances
erence index (sec. IV), to be used to locate a
of the same item in the same assembly are
repair part when the Federal stock number or
indicated by the letters "REF."
reference number (manufacturer's part num-
ber) is known. The first column in the cross-
g. Maintenance Allowances Column.
reference index is prepared in numerical
(1) The maintenance allowance column
sequence. The second column of the cross-ref-
is divided into subcolumns. Indicated in each
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