TM 11-6625-1635-12
d. Use a soft, clean cloth to clean the front
3 - 8 . Cleaning
panel and control knobs. If dirt is difficult to
inspect the exterior surfaces of the maintenance
remove, dampen the cloth with water and use
kit. The exterior surface should be free of dust,
mild soap if necessary.
dirt. grease, and fungus.
Caution. Do not use any cleaning solvent
3-9. Touchup Painting Instructions
on the front panel or where silkscreening is
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
b y lightly sanding them with fine sandpaper.
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean
Brush two thin coats of paint on the bare metal
soft c!oth.
t o protect it from further corrosion. Refer to
Warning. Cleaning compound is toxic
a p p l i c a b l e ' cleaning and refinishing practices
a n d f l a m m a b l e . P r o v i d e a d e q u a t e ven-
specified in TB SIG 364.
tilation. DO NOT use near a flame.
3 - 1 0 . Lubrication
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt
The following parts in the radio control have
with a cloth dampened (not wet) with cleaning
been lubricated by the manufacturer and require
n o further lubrication except as noted in the
c. Remove, with a brush, dust or dirt from
Remarks column below :
plugs, receptacle, and jacks.
Lubricating Oil. Instrument (OAI)
Add lubricant sparingly during in-
(FSN) 9150-664-6518).
stallation of new part(s).
Grease, Aircraft and Instrument
Add lubricant sparingly during in-
(Gl) (FSN)9150-664-6518).
stallation of new part(s).
Lubricating oil, Instrument (OAI)
Add lubricant sparingly during in-
result is observed. When an abnormal condition
3-11. G e n c r a l Troubleshooting Information
is observed, refer to the troubleshooting chart
Troubleshooting this equipment at the operator
or organizational category is based on the
c o r r e c t i v e actions indicated. If the corrective
o p e r a t i o n a l checks contained in the monthly
measures indicated do not result in correction of
preventive m a i n t e n a n c e checks and services
the trouble, h i g h e r category maintenance is
chart, To troubleshoot the equipment, perform
all functions indicated in sequence number 8 in
the monthly preventive maintenance checks and
3 - 1 2 . Troubleshooting Chart
services chart (para 3-6) and proceed through
a. Maintenance kit unmodified.
t h e functions until an abnormal condition or
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