TM 11-6625-1635-12
3 - 6 . Monthly Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Chart
Check a11 inculcators for proper operation and
Inspect cords, cables, and wires for chafed,
c r a c k e d , o r f r a y e d insulation. Replace
connectors that are broken, stripped, worn
excessively, or show evidence of arcing.
Inspect h a n d l e s , l a t c h e s , a n d h i n g e s f o r
looseness. Replace or tighten as necessary.
Para, 3-8 and 3-9.
Inspect exposed metal surfaces for rust and
corrosion. C l e a n a n d t o u c h u p p a i n t a s
Inspect jacks for snug fit and good contact,
Inspect terminal blocks for loose connections
and cracked or broken insulation.
Set all switches and controls as indicated in
Perform procedure given in paragraph 2-5.
Note the following:
a. The AN/ARC-134 meter reads 27.5 volts
d c (--20 +10% ).
b. The POWER indicator lamps light.
c. The indicator lamp behind VHF COMM
frequency counter dials light.
d. On the maintenance kit modified, the panel
lamps on the intercom control light.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
should be obtained on the TS-352B/U.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
lower than that obtained in sequence No. 9
should be obtained on the TS-352B/U.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
heard in the headset.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
should increase in volume when switch is in
the up position.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
headset only when RECEIVERS switch 3 is
in the ON position.
Perform the procedure -given in paragraph 2-
heard in the headset.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
be 1 microvolt or less.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
microvolts or less.
Perform the procedure given in paragraph 2-
the headset on each channel checked.
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