TM 11-6625-1635-12
2-4. Preliminary Starting Procedure
Note. If an abnormal indication is obtained during the
starting procedure, refer to the monthly preventive
Perform the operations listed below before
maintenance cheks and service chart (para 3-6) for
starting the equipment.
corrective measures.
a. On the maintenance kit unmodified, set all
To start the equipment, make sure the controls
switches to OFF.
are set as required by the preliminary starting
b. On the maintenance kit modified, set the
p r o c e d u r e (para 2-4). Pet-form the procedure
transmit-interphone selector switch to position 3,
given below.
the RECEIVERS switch 3 to ON and the AVC
a. Set the POWER switch to ON. On the
GROUNDED switch to the up position. Set all
m a i n t e n a n c e kit unmodified, t h e test panel
other switches on the maintenance kit to OFF.
indicator lamps and the panel lamps on the radio
c. Set the EXT SQUELCH CONT to off.
c o n t r o l should light. On the maintenance kit
d. Set the VHF COMM VOL control fully
modified, the POWER 28.7 Vdc B+ lamp, and
t h e panel lamps on the radio control and in-
tercom control should light,
to the maintenance kit.
2-5. Starting Procedure
maintenance kit as shown
Figure 2-3. Radio Set AN/ARC-134 connected to maintenance kit.
c. Set the VHF COMM OFF-PWR switch to
d. Set the meter switch
(fig. 2-4) on the
P W R . The indicator lamps behind the VHF
AN/ARC-134 front panel to
LINE V 100 V
COMM frequency counter dials should light. On
FS; the AN/ARC-134 meter
(fig. 2-4) should
indicate 27.5 volts dc (--20
+ 10 percent).
the maintenance kit modified, the DC ammeter
should indicate between 2 and 3 amps.
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