Each ammunition gage procured for field service use requires the
preparation of two each DA Forms 3023 (fig. E-1, E-2). One card will be maintained by
the activity performing the calibration. The other card will accompany the gage when it
is returned to the owner/user. Use of automated version of the DA Form 3023 is
The gage user completes the following on the front of each DA Form 3023
LOCATION - Enter exact location of gage, to include specific locations
pertaining to RACK, SECTION, BIN, DRAWER, and TRAY as appropriate.
The activity performing calibration completes the following blocks on each
DA Form 3023 as follows (fig. E-1):
a. GAGE DRAWING NO - Enter basic drawing number of gage including
drawing size (e.g., E7799699).
b. TYPE - Enter full nomenclature of gage including dimensions when they
are specified as part of the nomenclature.
c. IDENTIFICATION NO - Enter complete identification or serial number.
Identification or serial number includes leading zeros, slashes, dashes, etc.
d. GAGE DRAWING REVISION - Enter revision number and date. If no
revision, enter the date basic drawing was approved. At right portion of block, enter
national stock number of gage.
VALUE - Enter total procurement or manufacturing cost of gage.
f. COMPONENT DRAWING NO - Enter the basic drawing number of item
being measured (e.g., 8863597 for gun mach 7.62MM M60). If more space is needed use
the REMARKS block, or a blank 5 X 8 card.
g. PIECE MARK NO - Enter the piece mark drawing number of items being
measured (e.g., 875-1-357 for gun mach 7.62MM M60).
h. FUNCTION OF GAGE - Enter the type of measurement gage is designed to
perform (e.g., length and profile).
REVISION - Enter revision of component drawing number and date of
revision. If no revision has been made, enter date basic drawing was approved.
Change 1
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