TB 55-8100-200-24
Condition classification is determined whenever a container is inspected to determine its degree of serviceability.
Stages of Corrosion. Stages of corrosion as applicable to containers are as follows:
Stage 1 - Discoloration, staining; no direct visual evidence of pitting, etching or other surface damage.
Stage 2 - Loose rust, black or white corrosion accompanied by minor etching and pitting of surface.
Stage 3 - Rust, black or white corrosion, accompanied singly or m combination with etching, pitting, or loose or
granular condition.
d. Stage 4 - Rust, black or white corrosion progressed to the point where fit, wear, function, or life of the container
has been affected; powdered or scaly condition, with pits or Irregular areas of material removed from surface of the
Section II USE
All procedures in this section will be complied with whenever packaging a service-
able or unserviceable repairable item in a specialized reusable container.
Special reusable containers are used to provide a safe shipping and storage environment for selected repair parts.
All efforts required to ensure this protection are referred to under the general term of packaging. Packaging of items in air
tight containers will be greatly simplified if containers are inspected upon receipt of a containerized Item. Prior to opening
a sealed container, pressurize the container and check for leaks m accordance with paragraphs 2-5n and 2-50o
Packaging Procedure.
Accomplish packaging of repair parts in reusable containers as follows:
Inspection. Inspect container for structural defects. Containers with any of the following defects are
considered unserviceable and will require repair or replacement:
Cracks, holes, or ruptures m the container hull.
2-2 Change 3
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