TB 43-0002-36
activities when considered necessary to insure that only economically repaira-
ble items are evacuated for overhaul. Items received by Depot maintenance
facilities for overhaul will be further evaluated to insure that they are economi-
cally repairable.
performed in accordance with applicable equipment technical manuals and
DA PAM 738-750. When equipment is to be repaired at support maintenance,
the current serviceability standards applicable to the maintenance category
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) will be used to record re-
performing the repair will apply. Equipment that is to be evacuated to a depot
sults of technical inspections. Instructions on preparation and use of these
for overhaul will be inspected in accordance with Depot maintenance stan-
forms are found in TB 43-0140 and DA PAM 736-750, respectively.
dards. Guidance and assistance will be requested from Depot maintenance
planation of cost factors to be considered when computing repair cost esti-
2404 are transferred to section II, DA Form 2407, to compute direct labor and
direct materials cost Indirect expenses and other charges, that are applica-
ble, are added to direct labor end direct materials cost to obtain the total esti-
mated repair cost.
c. Requests from disposition instructions will be prepared in accordance
ment covered by this bulletin is eligible for evacuation to Depot maintenance
with AR 755-1.
when the repairs required are beyond the capability of Support maintenance
d. Report of unserviceable excess items on DD Form 1348 M-3 (DOD Sin-
and the cost of repairs will not exceed the one-time repair expenditure limits.
gle Line Detail Billing Card) will be accompanied by the inspection report
on DA Form 3590 in three copies. If the equipment being reported is a set.
10. Disposition Instructions.
separate copies of DA Forms 3590 will be prepared for each major PEMA
a. Items will be reported to the National Inventory Control Point (NICP) for
disposition instructions under the following conditions:
e. Equipment will not be reported for disposition solely on the basis that it
is over-age. Serviceable over-age equipment will be retained in use, un-
(1) The estimated one-time repair cost exceeds the prescribed ex-
less priority of organization mission warrants a replacement. Repairs to
penditure limits and waiver of limits is not authorized as provided for In
over-age equipment will be limited to the maintenance necessary to main-
paragraph 4-30, AR 750-1.
tain it in a safe, operable condition.
(2) The repairs required to restore an item to a serviceable condition
Disposition of items in CONUS depot stock will be determined by the
are beyond the capabilities of General Support maintenance regard-
less of estimated repair cost, except as provided for in b below.
b. Depot repair is authorized in oversea commands without referral to
NICP when repairs can be accomplished within the prescribed expenditure
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