TB 43-0002-32
c. Serviceable equipment which has attained zero maintenance expendi-
ture limits due to age will not be reported for disposition instructions, but
for evacuation to depot maintenance when
will be retained in use (exception - priority of organization's mission war-
the technical inspection performed indicates that repairs required are not au-
rants a replacement). These overage end items on hand may be main-
thorized and/or exceed general support maintenance capabilities.
tained, not to exceed 5% of replacement cost to the extent permitted by
repair parts and components in the supply system, and such repairs can
be accomplished at General Support ( GS ) level of maintenance. Repair
arts may be requisitioned using advice Code 2C (do not back order, fill or
a . Items will be reported to the NICP for disposition instruction under the
kill). Depot maintenance will not be accomplished. When repair parts/
components are no longer available in supply system and repair exceeds
following conditions:
5%, request disposition instructions in accordance with Section V, para-
(1) For excess equipment, repairable equipment, and for transfer or
graph 9c of this TB.
deployment of equipment.
d. Equipment for which the estimated repair cost exceeds the mainte-
(2) When the estimated one-time repair cost exceeds the expenditure
nance expenditure limits in this bulletin will be reported to the NICP for dis-
limits cited in this bulletin.
position instructions No action will be taken to repair or dispose of the
equipment until directed by the NICP.
(3) The repairs required to restore an item to a serviceable condition
are beyond the capabilities of general support maintenance regard-
less of the estimated repair cost.
b. Report of unserviceable excess items will be accomplished by a com-
pleted DA Form 3590 for each major end item.
d. Columns 4 through 8 show repair limitations. The limiting years in which
ing repair eligibility
the percentages shown at the top of the columns can be applied to the end
item current replacement cost as the authorized one-time repair expendi-
11. Explanation of Columns of Appendix A.
a. Column 1 lists the equipment and item NSN (National Stock Number) in
e. Column 8 in addition to showing the year zero maintenance expenditure
numerical sequence, and the productron year. For DOD Model MEP-Se-
limits are reached, also indicates the end-of-life expectancy.
ties generator sets the productron year is not cited since production year
f. Column 9 lists the applicable TM series number.
has no bearing on repair limitations.
b. Column 2 provides brief end item nomenclature, functional capability,
12. References.
make and model.
AR 750-1
DA Form 2028
DA Form 2404
c. Column 3 lists the U S. Army serial numbers when available.
DA PAM 738-750
DA Form 3590
TB 43-0140
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