TB 43-0002-32
Section I. GENERAL
provides guidance for technical inspection and disposition instructions.
activities, and the reserve components worldwide that use and/or repair
equipment listed in the appendixes of this bulletin. The limitations as cited in
this bulletin are also applicable to Army depots with an assigned overhaul mis-
d. The expenditure limit is the percentage of acquisition cost for compo-
3. Procedures.
nents, assemblies, and recoverable repair parts applicable to the end
a. One-time repair expenditure limits are applicable each time an item be-
items of equipment that have remaining repair eligibility cited in this bulle-
comes unserviceable. The one-time repair expenditure limit is expressed
tin. Replace the components, assemblies, and recoverable repair parts
where cost of repairs exceed precentages cited in this bulletin.
as a percentage of the total repair cost estimate to the total cost of the end
e. The above paragraph is applicable to "bulk" components/assemblies/
recoverable repair parts to he repaired and return to to the pipeline for is-
b. The procedure for determining the repair expenditure limit for an item is
sue. These bulk items are those items in support of the direct exchange
as follows:
(1) Obtain current price of the end item.
f. Power units and power plants listed in Appendix F which have genera-
tors, motor generators, and/or generator sets as components will utilize
(2) The repair cost estimate is the sum total of the estimated cost of
the repair limitation percentage applicable to that generator/generator set
labor and parts listed in the technical inspection report as necessary
used in computing repair eligibility for the particular power unit/plant as a
requirements for the restoration of the end item to a serviceable condi-
c. Repair eligibility will be determined by comparing the report cost esti-
mate with the product of the percentage shown on the applicable repair
limitations chart times the current price of the unserviceable end item. An
end item loses its repair eligibility if the estimated cost of repair exceeds
this product (except with waiver In accordance with AR 750-1). The maxi=
mum allowable one-time overhaul allowance of 65% as authorized In AR
75-1 is restricted to those years Identified In this bulletin,
b. DA Form 3590 (Request For Disposition or
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