![]() FSC Group 38
Maintenance Expenditure Limits *TB 43-0002-28
unit or by the supporting materiel management center through supporting maintenance channels
responsible for repair to MACOM commanders for approval. MACOM commanders may exceed the
published MEL when any of the conditions in AR 750-1 apply.
a. The required repairs will not be broken into separate job estimates for the purpose of
circumvention prescribed one-time repair allowances.
b. The unit or organization requesting the waiver has been unable to obtain timely replacement of the
uneconomical repairable asset form the appropriate Commodity Business Unit (CBU) at the Tank
automotive and Armaments Command, Warren, MI.
c. An urgent operational or training requirement exists which justifies the uneconomical repair.
d. Resources are available (or can be made available) to the requisitioning organization or command
to accomplish the required repairs within an acceptable period of time.
Form 461-5 (if applicable) to Commander, US Army Tank automotive and Armaments Command,
ATTN: AMSTA-LC-CJC/MS 326, 6501 E. 11 Mile Road, Warren, MI 48397-5000.
7-1. Department of the Army publications applicable to this TB are as follows:
a. Department of the Army Forms.
(1). DA Form 461-5 (Vehicle Classification Inspection). Mar 89
(2). DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspections and Maintenance Work Sheet). Apr 79
(3). DA Form 2407 (Maintenance Request). Jul. 94
(4). DA Form 3590 (Request for Disposition or Waiver) Jul. 75
b. Depart of the Army Pamphlets.
(1). DA Pam 710-2-1 (Using Unit Supply, Manual Procedures).
(2). DA Pam 710-2-2 (The Supply Support Activity, 55A Supply System).
(3). DA Pam 738-750 (The Army Maintenance Management System, TAMMS).
c. Department of Army Regulations.
(1). AR 37-60. (Pricing for Material and Supplies). Apr 85
(2). AR 700-127. (Integrated Logistic Support). Dec 86
(3). AR 750-1. (Army Materiel Maintenance Concepts and Policies). Aug 94
(4). AR-4. (Depot Materiel Maintenance and Support/Training Activities). N.A>
d. Department of Army Supply Bulletins.
(1). SB 700-20 (Army Adapted/Other items Selected for Authorization/List of Reportable
Items). Jun 97
(2). SB 710-1-1. (Standard Study Numbering System and Replacement Factors). Oct 95
e. Department of the Army Technical Bulletins.
(1). TB 43-0001-39 Series (Equipment Improvement Report and Maintenance Digest).
Sept. 93-(expires two years after issue but still available as reference).
(2). TB 453-40 (Instructions for Preparation of Request for Disposition or Waiver DA Form
3590) for TACOM equipment. Nov 94.
(3). TB 43-0217 (Instructions for Preparation of Request for Disposition or Waiver DA Form
3590) for TACOM Construction and Materiel Handling Equipment. May 1980.
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