![]() FSC Group 38
Maintenance Expenditure Limits *TB 43-0002-28
MEL follows. The actual repair expense column may be completed to assist in future cost estimates.
Use only those elements applicable and available.
Computation Table
a. Repair Hours Required _______________________.
Breakdown: MIL__________Civilian____________.
b. MIL Ave. Hr. Rate x MIL Repair Hrs _____________.
c. Civilian Hr. Rate x 1.29.
x Civilian Repair Hrs.
d. Military Cost of Parts.
e. Indirect Overhead Costs.
f. Contractual Cost.
g. Shipping/transportation Costs.
h. Other Cost.
i. Total Repair Cost (b+c+d+e+f+g+h).
j. MEL Percentage Factor (from table)
x current Replacement Price
k. Is MEL greater than estimated Repair Cost YES? NO?
l. If YES, repairs are authorized.
m. If NO, notify customer of results and return or assist in disposition: or retain pending
results of customer's request to waive limit.
All forms used in inspecting, classifying and determining maintenance cost will be provided to
customer for assistance in deposal or reporting to MSC for disposition instructions. Do not include
expenses for operating maintenance (unit maintenance with has not been performed) when repairing
on a return-to-user basis.
5-1. Procedures. Disposition of materiel is the responsibility of the using unit and the Supply Support
Activity (SSA) accountability officer. Disposition of materiel by supply activities will be in accordance
with procedures in DA PAM 710-2-1 and DA PAM 710-2-2.
The reporting of unserviceable materiel to MSC's for disposition instructions will be in accordance
with provisions in the unit supply updated, in instruction in this TB or other appropriate DA guidance.
a. Maintenance support units will assist SSA's or supported units, as necessary, in the evacuation of
unserviceable or uneconomical repairable materiel to expedite turn-in or further evacuation.
b. When returning equipment to supported customers, all forms used in inspection, classifying and
determining maintenance expenditure limits will be provided to assist in requesting waiver, disposal or
reporting for disposition instructions.
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