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TB 1-1520-240-20-154
12. Publication Requirements
a. References --
(1) AR 95-1.
(2) AR 200-1.
(3) DA PAM 738-751.
(4) TM 1-1520-240-10.
(5) TM 55-1520-240-23.
b. Publications Changes --
(1) TM 1-1520-240-10 shall be changed to reflect this Technical bulletin. A copy of this Technical
Bulletin will be used as authority to implement this change until the official change is received. Additionally,
a copy of this Technical Bulletin will be inserted into the aircrews reading file until the official TM changes are
received. Specific changes to the --10 are as follows:
(a) Change Figures 2-14-1 and 5-2-1 to reflect the same length red/yellow striped arc as in
figure 1 "Remarked" gage. Measuring with a protractor placed in the center of the gauge, the red band
of the new avoid region begins at 63 degrees above horizontal. The red band arc length of the new avoid
region is 1 7/16". The new yellow band arc is 5/16" long.
(b) Paragraph 5-5-1 shall be modified to insert the following statement "Any excursion into
the red band of the Cruise Guide Indicator for more than 45 seconds requires an entry on the DA Form
2408-13-1. Provide the following information: aircraft gross weight, FAT, pressure altitude, total time in
the red zone, and needle position within the red zone (i.e. lower half or upper half).
(2) TM 55-1520-240-23-7, Task 8-91, 8-288, add the following note: "ensure instruments are
marked in accordance with TM 1-1520-240-10 limitations".
13. Points of Contact.
a. Technical points of contact are:
(1) Primary -- Robert G. Duarte AMSRD-AMR-AE-C, DSN 645-6194 or (256) 955-6194, datafax
is (256)313--4726. E-mail is "".
(2) Alternate -- Tim Rickmeyer ,AMSRD-AMR-AE-C, DSN 897--8040, or (256) 313-8040, datafax
is (256) 313--4726. Email is "".
b. Logistical points of contact are:
(1) Primary -- Bill Olson, SFAE-AV-CH-CS, DSN 897-0721 or (256) 313-0721, fax is DSN
897-4726 or (256) 313-4726. E--mail is "".
(2) Alternate -- Norm Huston, SFAE--AV--CH--CS, DSN 897--0752 or (256) 313--0752, fax is DSN
897--4348 or (256) 313--4348. Email is "".
c.  Wholesale Materiel point of contact (SPARES) is Ms. Geri Reddy, AMSAM-MMC-AV-CA, DSN
897-1454 or (256) 313-1454, fax is DSN 897-1106. E-mail is "".
d. Forms and records point of contact for this TB is Ms. Ann Waldeck, AMSAM-MMC-MA-NM, DSN
746-5564 or (256) 876-5564, fax is DSN 746-4904 or (256) 876--4904.
E--mail is "ann.waldeck@redstone.".
e. Safety points of contact are:
(1) Primary -- Mr. Frank Rosebery (SAIC), AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 788-8631 or (256) 842-8631.
Fax is DSN 897-2111 or (256) 313-2111. E--mail is "".
(2) Alternate -- Mr. Russ Peusch, AMSAM-SF-A, DSN 788-8632 or (256) 842--8632. Fax is DSN
897--2111 or (256) 313--2111. E--mail is "".

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