TB 1-1520-240-20-154
a. Aircraft -- Submit Task/Inspection Compliance Reports as follows --
(1) Initial Report -- Submit Task/Inspection compliance report for this Technical Bulletin to Logistic
point of contact no later than 24 May 2004. This report will be submitted using the reporting form in accordance
with the note above.
(2) Follow--on report -- Provide a report using the reporting form above to the technical point of
contact if the limits of paragraph 7.e. have been exceeded.
b. Retail Stock -- Installation level and below) -- N/A
Wholesale Stock -- (including Depot Stock, Depot Maintenance and Single Stock Fund) -- N/A
Special Provisions to Message Requirements (Aircraft)
a. Aircraft in AVUM, AVIM or Depot level maintenance - Commanders, facility managers and contrac-
tors will not issue aircraft until they are in compliance with this message.
b. Aircraft at contractor facility -- Contractor facilities will inspect DD250 aircraft prior to those aircraft
departing for ferry to final destination.
c. Aircraft in transit -- Unit Commanders in receipt of deployment orders and are unable to comply prior
to the date specified in paragraph 4. a. may defer initial requirements in accordance with surface/air shipment
or ferry status instructions, as appropriate.
d. Surface/Air shipment -- Comply with message requirements within 10 flight hours/14 days or arrival.
e. Ferry status/aircraft away from home station -- Comply with message requirements within 10 flight
hours/14 days of arrival.
Maintenance Trainers (Category A and B) -- N/A.
g. Aircraft on red //X// status symbol may be maintained in flyable storage. Ground run--ups at normal
operating rotor RPM are authorized.
Technical Procedures/Instructions..
a. Unit Commanders are to ensure fight crews are briefed on flight operations with the CGI in the yellow
(transient) band and the prohibition of flight operations in the red/yellow striped (avoid) band.
b. Instruction must ensure a thorough understanding of the CGI and adherence to the Operator's
Manual limitations detailed in TM 1--1520--240--10, paragraphs 2--14--2, 2--14--3, 5--2--2, 5--2--5, 5--5--2,
5--5--3, 5--6--2, 7--1--3, 7--7--2, 7A--1--2, 7A1--3, and 7A--7--2. In addition to the --10 paragraphs, the following
supplemental information is provided on the CGI cockpit display:
(1) Operation in any area in the red/yelow striped avoid band of the CGI results in a significant
decrease in the available fatigue life for the Critical Safety Items of the rotor controls and drive components.
(2) The reductions in available fatigue lives are dependent upon component loads, aircraft loads
and the amount of time spent under these conditions.
To re--mark the cockpit Cruise Guide Indicator, Cockpit Display, removal
is not necessary.
If Figure 1 is not visible at the bottom of this message, it can be viewed
at (use lower case letters only)
or "https://www.chinook.redstone.army.mil/logon.asp
<https://www.chinook.redstone.army.mil/logon.asp>", or
contact the logistical point of contact in paragraph 13.
c. Re--marking of the CH--47D CGI, part number 152BUA34-2 or 114VS805-3 shall be performed with-
in 10 flight hours/14 days per the instrucctions below.
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