TB 1--1520--237--20--241
Aircraft in Transit.
(1) Surface/Air Shipment -- Prior to first flight after arrival at destination.
(2) Ferry Status -- Same as paragraph 1.a..
d. Maintenance Trainers (Category A and B). Comply NLT 13 December 2001.
e. Component/Parts in Stock at All Levels (Depot Level and Others), including War Reserves. Upon
receipt of this TB, Depot and Materiel Activity Commanders will ensure the materiel condition tags of all items
in all condition codes listed in paragraphs 6 and 7 are annotated to read: "UH-60-02-03 (TB
1-1520-237-20-241), Inspection of Flight Control System, Pitch Trim Assembly, Not Complied With."
(1) Wholesale Stock -- Report receipt of this message IAW paragraph 14.b.(1) NLT 13 Decem-
ber 2001. Upon receipt of this TB, Depot and Materiel Activity Commanders will ensure all items in condition
codes // A //, // B //, // C //, // D //, and // E //, listed in paragraphs 6 and 7, are placed in condition code // J
//, and tagged with a Suspended Tag/Label -- Materiel, DD Form 1575/DD Form 1575-1. Do not remove origi-
nal condition tags. Report compliance with this message IAW paragraph 14.b.(2) NLT 17 December 2001.
(2) Retail Stock -- Report receipt of this message IAW paragraph 14C(1) NLT 13 December
2001. Upon receipt of this message, Commanders and Facility managers maintaining retail stock at installa-
tion level and below shall contact the supported aviation unit to perform the procedures required IAW para-
graphs 8 and 9 on suspect material. Dispose of discrepant materiel IAW paragraph 10. Report compliance
with this message IAW paragraph 14.c.(2) NLT 17 December 2001.
f. Components/Parts in Work (Depot Level and Others). Depot and other maintenance activity com-
manders will ensure items listed in paragraphs 6 and 7, are not issued until they are in compliance with this
2. Task/Inspection Suspense Date. Complete the inspection IAW paragraphs 8 before the next flight but
NLT 13 December 2001 and report IAW para 14.a.(2) NLT 17 December 2001.
Report compliance IAW paragraph 14.a.(1) NLT
13 December 2001
Summary of Problem.
a. History -- An H-60 Pitch Trim Boost Servo has been found on a production aircraft with a protruding
actuator rod clevis pin. The pin had not been swaged as required allowing the pin to partially back out of the
connection. Loss of this pin would result in complete loss of aircraft control.
b. Manpower/downtime and funding impacts -- See paragraph 12.
c. The purpose of this TB is to perform a one time visual inspection to locate amd remove from service
Pitch Trim Assemblies with incorrectly installed actuator assembly rod clevis pin and washer.
End Items to be inspected. All H-60 series aircraft.
Assembly Components to be Inspected.
Trim Assembly, Pitch
Actuator, Trim Tab
Cylinder, Assembly
Cylinder, Assembly
Parts to be Inspected. -
Cylinder, Assembly
Cylinder, Assembly
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