![]() TM 9-2815-210-34-2-2
I n s p e c t i o n and Repair.
C h e c k that nozzle spring (1) has no cracks and wear. If spring is cracked
o r worn, get a new one.
U s i n g straight edge and strong light, check spindle (2) in at least two posi-
t i o n s 90 apart for straightness. I f spindle is not straight, get a new one.
C h e c k that fuel passage (3) of nozzle holder body (4) has no sludge, gum or
o t h e r obstructing matter. Get a new nozzle holder body if fuel passage is
dirty or clogged.
C h e c k that nozzle holder body (4) has no damaged threads at three locations
( 5 ) . Fix threads which have minor damage with a tap and chaser. If threads
h a v e major damage, get new nozzle holder body.
C h e c k that nozzle holder body (4) has no loose or damaged locating dowel
p i n s ( 6 ) . I f dowel pins are loose or damaged, get new nozzle holder body.
C h e c k that seat of valve (7) and nozzle body (8) has no pitting, discoloration
due to overheating, distortion or any other damage. If pitted, distorted or
w o r n , get a new valve. I f valve seat is pitted, distorted or worn, get new
n o z z l e b o d y . L a p valve in nozzle body to take out minor discolorations. If
e i t h e r part has major discoloration, get new valve or nozzle body.
C h e c k fit of valve (7) in nozzle body (8). I f valve does not slide freely to
v a l v e seat of nozzle body (8), lap on a lapping plate or polish to take out
m i n o r d e f e c t s . I f defects are not taken out by lapping and polishing, get
n e w valve and nozzle body.
C h e c k that nozzle body (8) has no blocked spray holes. If blockage cannot
b e taken out from spray holes, get new nozzle body.
C h e c k that nozzle capnut (9) has no damaged threads. Fix threads which
have minor damage with a tap or chaser. I f damage cannot be fixed, get new
nozzle capnut.
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