![]() TM 9-2815-210-34-2-2
I n s p e c t i o n and Repair of Valve Tappets.
T u r n crankcase (2) right side up.
C h e c k that 12 valve tappet bores (1) have no nicks, scratches or burrs and
t h a t they are not scored. F i x small nicks, scratches and burrs with a fine
mill rat tail file or crocus cloth.
Dry cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not use near an
o p e n flame. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby when sol-
v e n t i s u s e d . U s e only in well-ventilated places.
Failure to do this may result in injury to personnel and
d a m a g e to equipment.
C h e c k that 12 valve tappets (3) have no nicks, scratches or burrs and that
t h e y a r e n o t s c o r e d . F i x small nicks, scratches, burrs, and scoring with a
f i n e mill file or crocus cloth dipped in dry cleaning solvent. If any tappet is
b a d l y scored or damaged, throw it away and get a new one.
Valve tappets (3) that are discolored from overheating
w i l l look blue.
C h e c k that 12 valve tappets (3) are not discolored from overheating. If any
v a l v e tappet is discolored from overheating, throw it away and get a new one.
C h e c k that pushrod sockets in 12 tappets (3) are not damaged. If pushrod
s o c k e t in any valve tappet is damaged, throw away valve tappet and get a new
C h e c k that bottom of 12 valve tappets (3) shows an even wear pattern all the
w a y a r o u n d . I f bottom of any tappet is worn or scuffed more on one side,
throw it away and get a new one.
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