TM 9-2320-211-34-2-4
D o not inhale vapor from methyl-ethyl-ketone
used on rear of panels. Always wear rubber
g l o v e s and use brush to put on methyl-ethyl-
k e t o n e . P l a c e fans in and around cab to give
O n c e a panel is coated with methyl-ethyl-ketone
a n d put in place, i t cannot be moved. B e care-
f u l to put panel in the right place.
Thermal barrier kit will be used with hot water
a n d f u e l b u r n i n g h e a t e r s . W h e r e needed, extra
slits or cutouts will have to be made with sharp
k n i f e or scissors. A l l knockouts in thermal
b a r r i e r panels must be taken out before installa-
t i o n . T h e shiny side of panels will face up.
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