![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-4
S m o k i n g , sparks or open flames are not allowed
w i t h i n 50 feet of work area during this task.
F u e l can explode, causing injury to personnel
a n d damage to equipment.
E x h a u s t gases of any fuel are very poisonous.
B e sure exhaust is directed out of work area.
B e sure work area is well ventilated. Failure to
d o so could result in injury or death to personnel.
Be sure test stand is equipped with proper con-
t r o l b o x . P r o p e r control box is pn G-701633.
D a m a g e to equipment will result if improper con-
t r o l box is used. T e s t stand must also be equipped
w i t h a coolant container of about fivegallon ca
p a c i t y . C o n t a i n e r should be higher than heater.
C o n t a i n e r must be vented. Coolant used must be
o f same type as used in engine. P u r e water can-
n o t be used. F a i l u r e to use proper coolant could
c a u s e overheating and improper operation of
t h e r m o s t a t s , damaging the heater.
A fuel burning coolant heater test stand and
s t o p watch is needed to perform these tests.
S u c h a test stand can be fabricated. Refer to
Special Test ST 9-194.
(1) Fuel control valve.
Fuel flow and leak tests must be done with fuel
c o n t r o l valve in the position it normally operates.
F u e l used must be of the type normally used.
F a i l u r e to do this could result in a wrong measure-
m e n t , causing serious damage to equipment.
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