TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
D r y cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not use
near an open flame. K e e p a fire extinguisher
n e a r b y when the solvent is used. Use only in
w e l l - v e n t i l a t e d places. Failure to do this may
r e s u l t in injury to personnel and damage to
C l e a n bracket with solvent.
(1) Cleaning.
( 2 ) I n s p e c t i o n a n d R e p a i r . C h e c k that lower bracket is not damaged, bent
o r c r a c k e d . R e p a i r by strsightening or welding. Refer to TM 9-237. If more
r e p a i r is needed, get a new bracket.
(3) Check that upper bracket to frame weld has no cracks. Repair by
straightening or welding. Refer to TM 9-237.
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