TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
I n s p e c t i o n and Repair.
( 1 ) Check that frame rails are not cracked, bent, or misalined. Check that
c r o s s m e m b e r s have no cracks or damage. I f they are damaged, refer to para 14-4
and TM 9-237.
(2) Check that all riveted joints have no cracks or broken rivets. Repair
i f damaged. Refer to para 14-4 and FM 43-2.
(3) Check that all bolted brackets and supports are not cracked or
d a m a g e d . R e p a i r if damaged. R e f e r to paras 14-4, 14-7 and 14-8.
(4) Check that running board hangers are not damaged. Repair if
d a m a g e d . R e f e r to paras 14-4 and 16-12.
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