![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
D r y cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not use
near an open flame. K e e p a fire extinguisher
n e a r b y when solvent is used. Use only in well-
v e n t i l a t e d p l a c e s . Failure to do this may result
i n injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
( 1 ) C l e a n i n g . There are no special cleaning procedures needed. Refer to
c l e a n i n g procedures given in Part 1, para 1-3.
(2) Inspection and repair.
C h e c k that hydraulic pump (1) and pump adapter (2) do not have any chips,
c r a c k s or small holes. I f more repair is needed, get a new part.
C h e c k that drive gear (3) is not chipped or cracked and does not have damaged
t e e t h . C h e c k that keyway is not burred. I f gear is damaged, get a new one.
I f key is damaged, get a new one.
C h e c k that key (4) is not worn or damaged.
Check that shaft (5) is not chipped, cracked or burred. If shaft is damaged,
get a new one.
Check that all threaded parts are not stripped or crossthreaded. If threads
a r e damaged, get a new part.
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