![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-2
e. Inspection and Repair.
U s i n g magnifying glass, check that steering tube assembly (1) has no cracks.
I f cracks are found, get a new part.
C h e c k that steering tube assembly (1) is not torn or pitted near bearing cup
(2). If bearing cup area is worn, get a new steering tube assembly.
C h e c k that bearing balls (3) have no score marks or dull areas. If
b e a r i n g balls are worn, get new ones.
C h e c k that bearing cup (4) has no cracks, pitting or wear grooves. If
b e a r i n g race is worn or damaged, get a new one.
C h e c k that steering jacket bearing (5) has lubrication and that bearing moves
f r e e l y w i t h o u t b i n d i n g . I f bearing is worn or damaged, get a new one.
M i n o r dents and scratches on steering jacket (6) are acceptable. If large
d e n t s keep steering tube assembly (1) from turning smoothly, get a new
s t e e r i n g jacket.
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