![]() TM 9-2320-211-34-2-1
D r y cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not use near
an open flame. K e e p a fire extinguisher nearby when
s o l v e n t is used. U s e only in well-ventilated places.
F a i l u r e to do this may result in injury to personnel
a n d damage to equipment.
E y e shields must be worn when using compressed air.
E y e injury can occur if eye shields are not used.
Clean parts before inspection and after repairs.
c. C l e a n i n g . Clean oil pan inside and out with dry cleaning solvent, and
c l e a n oil pan gasket surface on engine bleak. Refer to TM 9-247
I n s p e c t i o n and Repair.
( 1 ) C h e c k for cracks.
Repair cracks by welding. Refer to TM 9-237.
( 2 ) C h e c k for dents.
Knock out dents with a soft-face hammer. Refer
to FM 43-2.
( 3 ) C h e c k g a s k e t surface for nicks or burrs.
F i x any nicks or burrs with
a fine mill file.
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