![]() TM 9-2320-211-20-3-1
Using 7/16-inch wrench, unscrew lower bleeding screw (1) 3/4 turn. Look
for air bubbles in hydraulic fluid in container (2).
2. When there are no air bubbles for five seconds, using 7/16-inch wrench,
screwed on tightly.
Take bleeding hose out of container (2) and dump hydraulic fluid in con-
taminated oil container. Do not throw fluid on ground.
If air bubbles were seen when bleeding air hydraulic
cylinder, do not disconnect bleeder tank as all wheel
cylinders must be bled. If no air bubbles were seen,
do step 4.
4. Close shutoff valve in hose from bleeder tank to master cvlinder and disconnect
bleeder tank from master cylinder. Refer to para 12- 14e.
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