C2, TM 11-6625-623-45
5-4. General Test Requirements
generator to 500 kc.
Depot overhauls standards consist of per-
b. Connect the 6db pad between the signal
formance of the tests indicated in paragraphs
generator and the ME-30A/U.
following tests consist of signal level measure-
volt output.
ments and continuity checks. Paragraphs 4-4,
d. Disconnect the ME-30A/U.
45, and 46 cover tests of the TS1956/URC
e. Connect the DT278/URC red lead to the
common terminal of the 6db pad and the gray
lead to the positive terminal of the 6db pad.
5-5. Test of Voltage Divider TS-1954/URC
(2 to 8 mc capacity divider)
f. Connect the ME-26B/U between the red
(fig. 3-2 and 4-3)
and gray tip jacks of the DT278/URC (red
tipjack is common). The ME-26B/URC should
indicate no less than 1 volt dc.
50 (signal generator) to 5 mc.
5-8. Test of Extender, Module MX-4892/URC
b. Connect the 6db pad between the signal
(If Translator Module Extender)
generator and the ME-30A/U.
312, 313, 4-8 and 4-12)
c. Set the signal generator output for a 5
mc, .33 volt output.
generator to 500 kc.
d. Connect the input terminal of the TS-1954
b. Connect the 6-db pad between the signal
/URC to the output of the 6-db pad and con-
generator and the ME-30A/U; use the CG
nect the ME30A/U to the output terminal of
2727/U to connect the 6db pad to the ME-
the TS-1954/URC.
e. ME30A/U should indicate 0.01 colt 10%
(0.009 to 0.011 volt).
of 0.07 volt.
5-6. Test of Voltage Divider TS-1955/URC
d. Disconnect the ME-30A/U from the CG-
(8 to 30 mc capacity divider)
2727/U and connect the CG2727/U to the
(fig. 3-3 and 4-4)
MX-4892/URC RF LOAD BNC connector.
e. Connect the ME-30A/U between the MX-
generator for 19 mc.
4892/URC blue tipjack and the frame.
b. Connect the 6db pad between the signal
f. Adjust the capacitor on the side of the
generator and the AN/URM-145.
MX-4892/URC to an indication on the ME-
c. Set the signal generator output for a 19
30A/U of a peak of 0.0055 volt 0.0005.
mc, .35 volt output.
g. Disconnect the MX4892/URC from test
d. Connect the input terminal of the TS-
setup and test continuity of remaining circuits
1955/URC to the output of the 6db pad and
(fig. 4-12).
connect the AN/URM145 to the output ter-
5-9. Test of Dummy Load, Electrical DA-340/
minal of the TS-1955/URC.
URC (Rf Translator Load)
e. AN/URM145 should indicate 0.01 volts
generator to 2 mc.
5 - 7 . Test of Detector, Radio Frequency DT/
2 7 8 / U R C (Neutralizing Detector)
b. Connect the AN/URM-145 to the signal
generator output with the UG274B/U con-
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