TM 11-6625-623-12
(e) Replace. To substitute serviceable
A2-1. General
components, assemblies, or subas-
a. This appendix assigns maintenance func-
semblies. for unserviceable compo-
tions to be performed on components, as-
nents. assemblies, or subassemblies.
semblies, and subassemblies by the lowest
(f) Repair. To restore an item to serv-
appropriate maintenance category.
iceable condition through correction
b. Columns in tile maintenance allocation
of a specific failure or unserviceable
chart are as follows:
condition, This function includes but
is not limited to welding, grinding,
(1) Part or component. This column shows
riveting, straightening, and replace-
only the nomenclature or standard
ment of parts other than the trial
item name. Additional descriptive data
and error replacement of running
are included only where clarification
spare type items such as fuses,
is necessary to identify the component.
lamps, or electron tubes.
Components, assemblies, and subas-
(g) Align. To adjust two or more com-
semblies are listed in top-down order.
ponents of an electrical system so
That is, the assemblies which are part
that their functions are properly
of a component are listed immediately
below that component, and the subas-
(h) Calibrate. To determine, check, or
semblies which are part of an assembly
rectify the graduation of an instru-
are listed immediately below that as-
ment, weapon, or weapons system,
sembly. Each generation breakdown
or components of a weapons system.
(components, assemblies, or subas-
semblies) is listed in disassembly order
(i) Overhaul. To restore an item to
or alphabetical order.
completely serviceable condition as
prescribed by serviceability stand-
(2) Maintenance function. This column
ards developed and published by
indicates the various maintenance
heads of technical services. This is
functions allocated to the categories.
accomplished through employment
(a) Service. To clean, to preserve, and
of the technique of "inspect and
to replenish lubricants.
Repair Only as Necessary" (IR-
(b) Adjust. To regulate periodically to
OAN). Maximum utilization of
prevent malfunction.
diagnostic and test equipment is
(c) Inspect. To verify serviceability and
combined with minimum disas-
to detect incipient electrical or me-
sembly of the item during the over-
chanical failure by scrutiny.
haul process.
(d) Test. To verify serviceability and
(j) Rebuild. To restore an item to a
standard as near as possible to
to detect incipient electrical or me-
original or new condition in appear-
chanical failure by use of special
equipment such as gages, meters, etc.
ance, performance, and life ex-
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