TM 11-6625-601-34
tive maintenance checks, and they may be
2 - 2 4 . Testing
found in TM 11-6625-601-12. These self-check
Final testing procedures are used by direct sup-
procedures check the internal power supply for
port personnel to determine the acceptability of
correct voltages, and amplifiers and other cir-
a repaired MK733/ARC-54. The procedures to
cuits for proper levels. If all the checks are satis-
be followed for the MK-733/ARC-54 are the self-
factory, the MK-733/ARC-54 can be considered
check tests that are part of the monthly preven-
to meet acceptable final test standards.
Figure 2-14. Cable Assembly, Special Purpose, Electrical
CX-9070/ARC-54, schematic diagram.
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