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TM 11-6625-601-34
Parts. A plastic part is not serviceable if any
of the following conditions exist: cracks, dents,
To avoid air blasting of small leads and
bulges or scratches; signs of insulation break-
other delicate components, do not place
down or flashover; or badly worn or broken
air nozzle too close to chassis. Exercise
threads in tapped holes.
care not to disturb the dress of wiring
a n d cables except where absolutely
j. Window, Filters, and Lenses. A w i n d o w
necessary. In the event it is necessary,
filter, or lens is not serviceable if any of the
the dress should be noted. Upon com-
following conditions exist: cracked or chipped
pletion of the cleaning operation, wir-
ing and cables should be restored to
their original position or dressed to pre-
2-23. Cleaning
vent misalignment and malfunctioning
of the equipment.
Remove dust and dirt from all surfaces
The fumes of trichloroethane are toxic.
using a soft brush and an air jet. Com-
Provide thorough ventilation whenever
plete chassis cleaning by wiping all
used. DO NOT use near an open flame.
finished surfaces with a lintless cloth,
moistened with trichloroethane. Dry
Trichloroethane is not flammable, but
and polish chassis surfaces using a dry,
exposure of the fumes to an open flame
clean, lintless cloth. Protect chassis
converts the fumes to highly toxic dan-
from dust and moisture during storage.
gerous gases.
This paragraph contains procedures for
d. Coaxial Connector Contacts. Clean coaxial
connect contacts and insulating members by
parts  of
wiping away dust and dirt with a lintless cloth
MK733/ARC-54. Cleaning may be done
moistened with trichloroethane. Dry with a
before or after inspection as necessary.
clean, dry, lintless cloth.
References to an air jet signify a hand-
e. Plastic Parts:  M o l d e d , Extruded, and
operated air nozzle supplied with clean,
Machined. Blow loose dust from surfaces holes,
dry, compressed air at a pressure of not
and crevices and from any attached metal parts
more than 25 pounds per square inch.
usung an air jet. Wipe clean with a lintless cloth
moistened with trichloroethane. Dry and polish
a. Covered Cables. Clean outer surface of
with a clean, dry, lintless cloth.
rubber or vinylite covered cables, or conduits or
f. Rotary Switches. Clean rotary switches of
flexible, transparent vinylite, by wiping dust
the wafer type as follows: Remove dust with an
from cable surfaces and terminations with a lin-
air jet by turning switch back and forth several
t l e s s cloth moistened with trichloroethane.
times while blowing. Wash all contacts and insu-
Wipe dry with a clean, dry, lintless cloth.
lation with trichloroethane, lightly applied with
b. Connector.
a small, camels' hair brush. Dry with an air jet.
Repeat wash, using clean trichloroethane and
rotating switch rotor several times during the
Do not allow trichloroethane to run into
wash. Dry gently, but thoroughly with air jet.
sleeves (or conduit) covering wires or
g. Sensitive and Toggle Switches. Blow dirt
cables connected to contact terminals
from surfaces of switch bodies and attached
of the insert. Wipe dust and dirt from
mechanisms using an air jet. Wipe surfaces with
bodies, shells, coupling nuts and cable
a lintless cloth moistened with trichloroethane
clamps using a lintless cloth moistened
and dry with an air jet.
with trichloroethane. Wipe dry with a
clean, lintless cloth. Remove dust from
h. Windows, Filters, and Lenses. Clean plastic
the inserts using a small soft brush in
or glass disks, windows, filters, and lenses by
conjunction with an air jet. Wash dirt
gently wiping their surfaces with a clean, soft,
from insert, insulation and contacts
lintless cloth that has been dampened with
u s i n g a small camels hair brush to
trichloroethane. When clean, polish carefully
apply trichloroethane. Dry connectors
with lens tissue using a circular motion. If
with an air jet.
object is to be stored for any period of time, be
c. Wired Chassis.
sure surfaces are well protected.

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