TM 11-6625-601-34
2-5. Voltage and Resistance Tables
Before making any voltage or resis-
tance measurements, refer to parag-
raph 2-2 a and b. Use only authorized
test equipment or its equivalent. Dam-
a g e to transistors may result from
improper measurement techniques or
t h e use of unauthorized test equip-
All voltage readings in the tables are positive
dc. The test points listed in each table cor-
respond to transistor connections in the equip-
ment. Transistor connections are on terminal
boards and are identified by the following desig-
B-terminal board connection to base of transistor.
C-terminal board connection to collector of transistor.
E-terminal board connection to emitter of transistor.
Figure 2-9. Motor Control Unit A2, parts location.
Table 2-2. Voltage and Resistance Measurements for Audio Amplifier A1 (Part of TS-1967/ARC-54)
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