TM 11-6625-601-34
Test Set, Radio TS-1967/ARC-54 Audio
2 of the motor control unit to pin 1 of relay K1.
Amplifier A1
Relay K1 energizes, which applies +27.5 volts
dc through pins 3 and 8 of relay K1 to terminal
5 of the motor control unit. From terminal 5,
Audio amplifier Al consists of a voltage reg-
+27.5 volts dc is applied to motor B1. Motor B1
ulator, three audio amplifier stages, and two
turns switch S5A (rear) clockwise until contact
emitter followers. Input voltage of +27.5 volt
19 is at an open segment of the switch. This
dc is applied through terminal 19 to the voltage
removes the ground on megahertz select line B
regulator. The voltage regulator, composed of
from pin 1 of relay K1. Simultaneously, how-
resistor R1 and Zener diodes CR2 and CR1, reg-
ever, ground from megahertz select ambiguity
ulates the voltage at +18.2 volts dc. The +18.2-
line B is applied, through contacts 12 and 19 of
volt dc output from the voltage regulator is
switch S5B (front), contacts 18 and 20 of
applied to the junction of resistors R2 and R27,
switch S5C (front), terminal 9 of the motor con-
the collectors of transistors Q4 and Q5, and
trol unit, and diode CR5, to pin 1 of relay K1,
resistor R24. From the junction of resistors R2
keeping the relay energized. Motor B1 con-
and R27, +18.2 volts dc routes through resistor
tinues to turn switch S5 until contact 19 of
R2 to the base and collector circuits of transis-
switch S5A (rear) and contact 18 of switch S5C
tor Q1. Resistor R27 connects +18.2 volts dc to
(front) are at open segments of the switch. The
the base and collector circuits of transistor Q2
open segments remove ground from relay K1,
and Q3 and the base circuit of emitter follower
deenergizing K1; this removes +27.5 volts dc
Q4. An audio signal applied to HEADSET jack
from motor B1, stopping the motor. Mechani-
J9 routes through terminal 5 and capacitor Cl
cally connected to switch S5 and motor B1 is
to the base of transistor Q1. (Resistor R26
the frequency readout counter. As motor B1
serves as a load for the headset connected to
runs, the whole-megacycle dial on the frequency
jack J9.) Transistor Q1 amplifies the audio
readout counter rotates. When motor B1 stops,
signal to a level determined by the setting of
the frequency indicated on the whole-
gain adjust potentiometer R6. The amplified
megahertz dial is the whole-megahertz fre-
audio signal is then routed through capacitor
quency selected.
C3 to the base of transistor Q2. Transistor Q2
c. Operation of .05 Megahertz Readout Circuit.
amplifies the audio signal and routes it through
The code for .05 megahertz is a ground on the
c a p a c i t o r C7 to the base of transistor Q3.
.05 megahertz select line B. This ground is
Capacitor C9 couples the amplified audio signal
applied from . 0 5 megahertz select line B,
from the collector of transistor Q3 to the base
through contacts 19 and 1 of switch S4A (rear)
of emitter follower Q4. From the emitter of
and terminal 3 of the motor control unit, to pin
transistor Q4, the audio signal is routed through
1 of relay K2. Relay K2 energizes; this applies
t e r m i n a l 56 to switch S10, and through
+27.5 volts dc, through pins 3 and 8 of relay K2
capacitor C11 and terminal 7 to switch S9. The
and terminal 8 of the motor control unit, to
audio signal applied to switch S10 is routed
motor B2. Motor B2 turns switch S4A (rear)
through terminal 55, resistor R21, and capacitor
clockwise until contact 19 reaches an open seg-
C12 to the base of emitter follower Q5. Capacitor
ment of switch S4A (rear). When contact 19 of
C14 couples the audio signal from the emitter
switch S4A (rear) reaches the open switch seg-
o f transistor Q5 through terminal 78 to
ment, ground is removed from pin 1 of relay K2.
HEADSET jack J9. An audio signal applied to
Relay K2 deenergizes, removing +27.5 volts dc
the VOL control is routed, through switch S11,
from motor B2, which stops the motor. The .05
terminal 54, resistor R22, and capacitor C13, to
megahertz dial of the frequency readout
the base of emitter follower Q5. From the emit-
counter is mechanically connected to motor B2
ter of transistor Q5, the audio signal is coupled
and switch S4. When motor B2 stops, the fre-
t h r o u g h capacitor C14 and terminal 78 to
quency indicated on the .05 megahertz dial is
HEADSET jack J9.
the frequency selected.
1-13. Simulator-Test Set SM-349/ARC-54
d. Frequency Coding. For any frequency
Audio Amplifier A1
selected, the sequence of operation is as
described in b and c above. Refer to paragraph
located in
A through E. Paragraph 1-10f contains the cod-
SM-349/ARC-54 is the same as the one located
in the test set, with the following exceptions:
ing for megahertz select lines A through E and
megahertz select ambiguity lines A and B.
a. Audio from emitter follow Q4 is applied
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