TM 11-6625-601-34
S10D (rear), to contact 1 of SQUELCH switch
to the transmitter circuit in the RT
S7A (front). Setting switch S7A to CARR applies
3 4 8 / A R C - 5 4 . This ground keys the trans-
ground from contact 3, through contacts 9 and
mitter, applying rf power through plug P1002
10 of switch S9A (front) and contacts 2 and 4
and RCVR/XMTR jack J12 to plug P3 of relay
of switch S11F (front), to the flag circuit. Select-
K1. From plug P3, rf power is routed, through
ing the squelch tone mode of operation applies
normally closed contacts of relay K1, plug P4,
ground, through pin 11 of plug P1005, pin 11 of
jack J11, and contacts 12 and 2 of switch S10F
jack J3, to plug P1 of directional coupler DC1.
(front), to contact 2 of switch S7A (front). Sett-
A portion of the rf power, reflected and incident,
ing switch S7A to TONE applies ground from
is applied from the directional coupler to the RF
contact 3, through contacts 9 and 10 of switch
POWER meter and switch assembly. The main
S9A (front) and contacts 2 and 4 of switch S11F
portion of the rf power is routed from the direc-
(front), to the flag circuit in the ID-48/ARN.
tional coupler, through plug P2, DIR COUPLER
e. Security
OUT jack J6, LOAD IN jack J5, and plug P7 to
SECURITY switch S8A in the test set simulates
attenuator-dummy load AT1. The attenuator-
the operational control function that normally
dummy load connects rf power to external test
originates in the security device. Setting switch
equipment and a test antenna. Rf power is
S8A (front) to OFF applies ground to the 150
routed to the external test equipment through
Hertz (Hz) tone injection circuit in the
j a c k J3 on the attenuator-dummy load and
RT-348/ARC-54, through contacts 3 and 1 of
LOAD OUT jack J8. The test antenna receives
S8A (front), pin 39 of RCVR/XMTR jack J11, and
rf power through jack J2 on the attenuator-
pin 39 of plug P1005. Setting switch S8A (front)
dummy load and ANT jack J7.
to SEC applies ground to the sidetone injection
g. Receive Test. When transmit control switch
circuit in the RT348/ARC-54, through contacts
S6 is in the RCV position, rf test signals can be
3, 2, and 5 of S8A, pin 43 of jack J11, and pin
applied through RCVR/TEST jack J4 to the rf
43 of plug P1005. Ground applied to contact 5
i n p u t circuit in the RT-348/ARC-54. With
of switch S8A (front) is applied to the squelch
switch S6 in the RCV position, ground is applied
disable circuit in the RT-348/ARC-54, through
through contacts 3 and 5, and 1 and 4, to contact
contacts 10 and 8 of switch S10D (front), pin 12
of jack J11, and pin 12 of plug P1005.
( r e a r ) . Setting switch S9 to TEST applies
f. Transmit Test. The test set contains a
ground, through contacts 9 and 11 of S9A (rear)
t r a n s m i t t e r control switch, a directional
and contacts 11 and 1 of TEST FUNCTION
coupler, a power meter, and an attenuator-
SELECTOR switch S11F (front), to terminal 2
dummy load for checking the transmitter circuit
of relay K1. Relay K1 is energized through the
in the RT-348/ARC-54. Setting transmit control
ground return path just described and the +27.5
switch S6 to PTT or XMIT applies ground to the
volts dc applied to terminal 1. An rf test signal
inverter and blower assembly, XMIT lamp DS2,
is applied, through plug P5 of K1, closed con-
a n d contact 8 of RCVR/XMTR FUNCTION
t a c t s of energized relay K1, plug P3, and
switch S9B (rear). From contact 8 of switch S9B
RCVR/XMTR jack J12, to plug P1002 in the rf
(rear), ground is routed, through pin 42 of
input circuit in the RT-348/ARC-54.
RCVR/XMTR jack J11 and pin 42 of plug P1005,
3) of transformer T1 through a filter circuit com-
1-9. Test Set, Radio TS-1967/ARC-54 800-Hz
posed of capacitors C2 and C3 and resistors R16
Inverter and Blower Assembly Circuit
and R15. The filter circuit prevents transients
The 800-Hz inverter in the test set is a saturable
generated by the inverter circuit from entering
core, square-wave oscillator that produces 54
the +27.5-volt dc supply. The inverter circuit
volts alternating current (ac) to operate the
consists of transistors Q1 and Q2, saturable core
blower motor (fig. l-l). The +27.5-volt dc bus on
transformer T1, and resistors R11 through R14.
terminal board TB1 supplies operating voltage
Voltage divider R11 and R13 develops bias for
for the inverter circuit (fig. FO-7). Transmit
transistor Q1. Voltage divider R12 and R14
control switch S6 (at XMIT or PTT position)
develops bias for transistor Q2. When operating
completes the circuit to ground (fig. 1-1). The
voltage is first applied to the circuit, both trans-
+27.5 volts dc is applied to the center tap (pin
istors try to conduct. Circuit tolerances and d;f-
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