TM 11-6625-601-34
Section I.
1-1. Scope and Indexes of Publications
maintenance shall be those prescribed in TM
a. Scope. This manual contains instructions
b . Reporting
of Equipment
covering direct support and general support
I m p r o v e m e n t s . The reporting of errors, omis-
maintenance for Maintenance Kit, Electronic
sions, and recommendations for improving this
MK-733/ARC-54. It
publication by the individual user is encour-
instructions for troubleshooting, testing, align-
aged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
ing and repairing the equipment. It also lists
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications)
tools, materials, and test equipment to perform
and forwarded direct to Commander U.S. Army
the maintenance of the equipment. Operation
Electronics Command, ATTN: AMSEL-MA-AC,
and organizational maintenance are covered in
Form Monmouth, N.J. 07703.
TM 11-6625-501-12.
b. Indexes of Publications.
(1) DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue
For other applicable forms and records
of DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there
see paragraph 1-3, TM 11-6625-601-12.
are new editions, changes, or additional publica-
tions pertaining to the equipment.
1-3. Administrative Storage
(2) DA Pam 310-7. Refer to the latest issue
For procedures, forms and records, and inspec-
of DA Pam 310-7 to determine whether there
tion required during administrative storage of
are modification work orders (MWO's) pertain-
this equipment, refer to TM 790-90-1.
ing to the equipment.
12. Maintenance Records and Reporting of
1-4. Destruction of Army Materiel To Prevent
Equipment Publication Improvements
Enemy Use
a. Maintenance Records. Department of the
Refer to TM 7502442 for methods of destruc-
Army forms and procedures used for equipment
tion of materiel to prevent enemy use.
15. Signal P a t h o f S i m u l a t o r - T e s t S e t
a. Power Distribution. Operating voltage of
SM-349/ARC-54 Connected to Radio Set
+27.5 volts direct current (dc) for the simulator
AN/ARC-54 System in Aircraft
C-3835/ARC-54. The regulated +27.5 volts dc is
applied to the C-3835/ARC-54 on pin C of J101.
The simulator contains circuits that give visual
The voltage is applied to the SM-349/ARC-54
indication of the operation of functions nor-
through pin e of jack J101 and pin 18 of plug
mally applied to Receiver-Transmitter, Radio
P4 to POWER switch S2. Setting switch S2 to
RT-348/ARC-54. Also included in the simulator
LOAD connects resistors R2 and R3 across the
are circuits that simulate the homer signals and
retransmit grounds. When the simulator is sub-
power input line. This simulates the load of the
RT-348/ARC-54. Setting switch S2 to ON
stituted in the place of the RT-348/ARC-54 in
the aircraft, operation of the AN/ARC-54 sys-
applies +27.5 volts dc to a voltage regulator
composed of resistor R1 and Zener diode CR1.
tem is checked by the use of visual indications.
The regulated +27.5 volts dc from the voltage
The functions that the simulator checks include
regulator is applied to COAX CONT LEFT lamp
frequency selection, squelch control, homing
operation, and transmit operation.
DS9, C O A X C O N T R I G H T l a m p D S 1 0 ,
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