(4) Description. Nomenclature or the
port are authorized for stockage by the or-
standard item name and brief identi-
ganization operating this equipment.
fying data for each item are listed
A2-3. Electeron lubes
in this column. When requisitioning,
enter the nomenclature and descrip-
The consumption rates given for tubes are
conservative theoretical estimates and are
provided for use only when more complete in-
(5) Unit of issue. The unit of issue is
formation, such as data based on operating
each unless otherwise indicated and
experience, is not available. These figures are
is the supply term by which the in-
based on levels and requirements for equip-
dividual item is counted for procure-
ment actually in use, not on authorizations or
ment, storage, requisitioning, al-
equipment stored in depots.
lowances, and issue purposes.
(6) Expendability. Nonexpendable items
A2-4. Maintenance Float Requirements
are indicated by NX. Expendable
Supply Bulletin 11-244 is the authorizing
items are not annotated.
document for maintenance float. It authorizes
(7) Quantity incorporated in unit. This
a number of major components which are
column lists' the quantity of each
installed in Army aircraft and states in part.
part found in a given assembly, com-
"A careful review will be made by the re-
ponent, or equipment.
sponsible maintenance officer to limit maxi-
(8) Direct support. Not used.
mum percentage of maintenance float to only
(9) General support. The numbers in
those items that exhibit high failure rates.
this column indicate quantities of
Items authorized for stockage as maintenance
repair parts authorized for initial
float will be included on the theater or instal-
stockage for use in general support
lation authorized stockage list in accordance
maintenance. T h e q u a n t i t i e s a r e
with AR 711-16, coded to indicate that stock-
based on 100 equipments to be main-
age is for maintenance float."
tained for a 15-day period.
"In the case of avionics maintenance float,
the field maintenance officer is encouraged to
(10) Depot. The numbers in this column
locate the float at Army airfields in order to
indicate quantities of repair parts
obtain maximum utilization."
authorized for depot maintenance
and for initial stockage for mainte-
A2-5. Arrangement of List
ance, and for supply support to
lower categories. The entries are
This list is arranged in top-down break-
based on the quantity required for
down order and contains the following
rebuild of 100 equipments.
groups :
(11) Illustration. The "Item No." column
lists the reference designations that
I Extender, Module
MX-4911/ARC-51X ------------- 90
appear on the part in the equipment.
These same designations are also
II Extender, Module
MX-4910/ARC-51X ----------- 93
used on any illustrations of the
equipment. T h e n u m b e r s i n t h e
III Extender, Module
MX-4909/ARC-51X ---------- 96
"Figure No." column refer to the il-
lustrations where the part is shown
IV Extender, Module
MX-4908/ARC-51X ---------- 98
A2-2. Parts for Maintenance
V Extender, Module
MX-4907/ARC-51X ---------- 99
When this equipment is used by signal
service organizations organic to theater head-
VI Extender, Module
quarters or communication zones to provide
theater communications, those repair parts
VII Test Set, Radio
RS-1962/ARC-51X ----------- 105
authorized up to and including general sup-
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