C1, TM 11-6625-564-45
of two or more units, each of which
A2-1. General
carry individual stock numbers
a. This appendix lists the quantities of re-
and descriptions and are stocked
pair parts for general support maintenance
and can be assembled by units at
and is a basis for requisitioning authorized
indicated maintenance categories.
parts. It is also a guide for depot maintenance
"X1" applies to repair parts which
in establishing initial levels of spare parts.
are not procured or stocked, the
requirement for which will be sup-
b. Columns are as follows:
plied by use of the next higher
(1) Source, maintenance, and recover-
component or assembly. "X2" ap-
ability code. Source, maintenance,
plies to repair parts which are not
and recoverability codes indicate the
stocked. The indicated mainte-
Commodity Command responsible
nance category requiring such re-
for supply, maintenance category at
pair parts will attempt to obtain
which an item is stocked, categories
from salvage. If not obtainable
at which an item is installed or re-
from salvage, such parts will be
paired, and whether an item is re-
requisitioned with supporting justi-
pairable or salvageable. The source
fication through normal supply
code column is divided into four
(c) Column C. This column indicates
(a) Column A. This column indicates
the lowest maintenance category
the materiel code and designates
authorized to install the part.
the area of responsibility for sup-
"O"-Organizational maintenance
ply. AR 310-1 defines the basic
(operator and organization-
numbers used to identify the ma-
teriel code. If the part is Signal
"H"-general s u p p o r t mainte-
materiel responsibility, the column
is left blank.
(d) Column D. The symbols in this
column indicate whether the item
(b) Column B. This column indicates
is repairable or salvageable, as
the point within the maintenance
follows :
system where the part is available.
"R"-indicates that the part or
"P1" indicates that the repair part
assembly is economically re-
is a low mortality part; procured
pairable and is supplied,
by Commodity Commands, stocked
when available, on an ex-
only in and supplied from Com-
change basis.
mand key depots, and authorized
(2) Federal stock number. This column
for installation at indicated main-
lists the 11-digit Federal stock num-
tenance categories, "A" applies to
assemblies which are not procured
(3) Designation by model. Not used.
or stocked as such but are made up
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