TM 116625564-12
through the maintenance technique
(5) Remarks. Entries in this column will
of complete disassembly o f the
be utilized when necessary to clarify
item, inspection of all parts of com-
any of the data cited in the preceding
ponents, repair or replacement of
c. Columns in the allocation of tools for
w o r n or unserviceable elements
maintenance functions are as follows:
using original manufacturing toler-
ances a n d / o r specifications and
(1) Tools required for maintenance func-
subsequent reassembly of the item.
tions. This column lists tools, test,
(3) Operator. organization, direct sup-
and maintenance equipment required
p o r t , general support, and depot.
to perform the maintenance functions.
The symbol X indicates the cate-
(2) Operator, organization. direct sup-
gories responsible f o r performing
port, general support, and depot.
that particular maintenance opera-
The dagger (†) symbol in these col-
tion, but does not necessarily indi-
umns indicates the categories normal-
cate that repair parts will be stocked
ly allocated the facility.
at that level. Categories higher than
(3) Tool code. This column lists the tool
those marked by "X are authorized to
code assigned.
perform the indicated operation.
(4) Tools required. This column indi-
A2-2. Maintenance by Using Organizations
cates codes assigned to each individ-
When this equipment is used by signal
ual tool equipment, test equipment,
services organizations organic to theater head-
a n d maintenance equipment refer-
quarters or communication zones to provide
enced. T h e grouping of codes in
theater communications, those maintenance
this column of the maintenance allo-
functions allocated up to and including gen-
cation chart indicates the tool, test,
eral support are authorized to the organization
and maintenance equipment required
operating this equipment.
to perform the maintenance function.
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