TM 11-6625-564-12
semblies, for unserviceable compo-
A 2 - 1 . General
or subassem-
nents, assemblies,
a. This appendix assigns maintenance func-
tions to be performed on components, assem-
Repair. To restore an item to Serv-
blies, and subassemblies by the lowest appro-
iceable condition through correc-
priate maintenance category.
tion of a specific failure or unserv-
b. Columns in the maintenance allocation
iceable condition. This function
chart are as follows:
includes but is not limited to weld-
(1) Part or Component. This column
ing, grinding, riveting, straighten-
s h o w s only the nomenclature or
ing, and replacement of parts other
standard item name. Additional de-
than the trial and error replace-
scriptive data are included only where
ment of running Spare type items
clarification is necessary to identify
such as fuses, lamps, or electron
the component, Components, assem-
blies, and subassemblies are listed
Align. To adjust two or more
in top-dowm order. That is, the as-
components of an electrical system.
semblies which are part of a compo-
so that their functions are properly
nent are listed immediately below
that component. and the subassem-
Calibrate. To determine, check, or
blies which are part of an assembly
rectify the graduation of an instru-
are listed immediately below that as-
ment, weapon, or wreapons system,
sembly. Each generation breakdown
or components of a weapons sys-
(components, assemblies, or subas-
semblies) is listed in disassembly or-
Overhaul. To restore an item to
der or alphabetical order.
completely serviceable condition as
(2) Maintenance function. This column
prescribed by serviceability stand-
i n d i c a t e s the various maintenance
ards developed and published by
functions allocated to the categories :
heads of technical services. This
(a) Service. To clean, to preserve, and
is accomplished through employ-
to replenish lubricants.
ment of the technique of "Inspect
(b) Adjust. To regulate periodically
and Repair Only as Necessary"
to prevent malfunction,
( I R O A N ) . Maximum utilization
(c) lnspect. To verify serviceability
of diagnostic and test equipment is
and to detect incipient electrical
combined with minimum disassem-
or mechanical failure by scrutiny.
bly of the item during the over-
(d) TO verify serviceability and to de-
haul process.
tect incipient electrical or. mechani-
Rebuild. To restore an item to a
cal failure by use of special equip-
s t a n d a r d as near as possible to
ment such as gages, meters, etc.
original or new condition in ap-
(e) Replace. To substitute serviceable
pearance, performance, and life ex-
pectancy. This is accomplished
components, assemblies, or subas-
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