TM 11-6625-2609-12
Prepare the maintenance kit for shipment and
(19 x 13 X15 in.)
storage as follows:
Tape, cloth backing, water-
130 in.
1190 sq in.
Cushioning material (l in.
thickness) (PPP-C-850d).
b. Replace all minor assemblies, running
b. Packaging. Package the items of the main-
spares, the interconnect cable, and technical man-
tenance kit as outlined below.
ual in the proper positions inside the cover of
the equipment case.
(1) Place cushioning material in the bottom
of the shipping carton.
e. Close the metal panel inside the cover of the
equipment case and secure the panel with the
two fasteners.
If the maintenance kit is being prepared
for storage, close the pressure equalizer
d. Replace the cover on the equipment case and
valve (fig. 1-1) to prevent moisture and
secure the cover with four holddown clamps.
dust accumulation inside the equipment
limited Storage
If the maintenance kit is being prepared
The exact procedure for repackaging depends on
f o r air shipment, open the pressure
the material available and the conditions under
e q u a l i z e r valve (fig. 1-1) to prevent
which the equipment is to be shipped or stored.
possible rupture of the equipment case
Adapt the procedures outlined below whenever
at high altitudes.
circumstances permit.
(2) Place the maintenance kit in the ship-
p i n g carton and insert cushioning material
a. Material Requirements. The following ma-
around the equipment case.
terials are required for packaging the mainte-
nance kit. For stock numbers of materials, con-
(3) Secure the top of the shipping carton
sult SB 38-100.
with the cloth-backed waterproof tape.
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