TM 11-6625-2609-12
(5) Slowly increase the AN/USM-44 out-
(3) Set the VHF COMM frequency selector
put level until the squelch opens as indicated by
switches to 132.500 MHz. An output indication
the presence of a tone in the headset. The AN/
should be obtained on the ME-30A/U.
USM-44 level should not be greater than 1 micro-
(4) Connect the ME-30A/U to the DATA
LINK OUTPUT jacks. The indicated voltage
( 6 ) S e t t h e A N/ U S- 4 4 o u t p u t l e v e l
should be considerably lower than that obtained
to less than .1 microvolt
in (3) above.
microvolt. Adjust the EXT. SQUELCH CON-
TROL fully counterclockwise. Slowly increase
b. Receiver Audio Output Checks. Start the
the AN/USM-44 output level until the squelch
equipment as instructed in paragraph 2-6 and
opens. The AN/USM-44 level should be approxi-
proceed as follows:
mately 50 microvolt. Actual break points are a
function of the AN/ARC-134 internal adjust-
(1) Leave the AN/USM-44 connected and
ments and are not dependent upon the main-
adjusted as described in a above, except set for
tenance kit.
30 percent modulation.
(2) Connect the H-157/AIC to the U-94A/
d. Channel Selection Checks. Start the equip-
U connector.
ment as instructed in paragraph 2-6 and proceed
as follows:
(3) Set the AUDIO switch to ON. A signal
should be heard in the headset.
(1) Leave the AN/USM-44 connected and
adjusted as described in a above. Leave the head-
(4) Set RECEIVERS switch 3 to OFF. The
set connected as described in b above.
signal heard in the headset should disappear. In
sequence; set RECEIVERS switches 1, 2, 4, INT,
(2) Set the AUDIO switch to ON.
and NAV to ON. No signal should be heard in
(3) Set the EXTERNAL SQUELCH switch
the headset. Return RECEIVERS switches 1, 2,
to OFF. Adjust the AN/USM-44 output atten-
4, INT, and NAV to the OFF position. Return
uator for a 5-microvolt output.
RECEIVERS switch 3 to the ON position. The
(4) Set the AN/USM-44 and the radio con-
signal should again be heard in the headset.
trol VHF COMM frequency selector switches to
(5) Set the EXTERNAL SQUELCH switch
each of the following frequencies and check for
to ON, and adjust the EXT. SQUELCH CON-
proper frequency selection as denoted by a tone
TROL until the signal just disappears.
in the headset: 116.00 MHz, 126.00 MHz, 136.00
(6) Press the radio control COMM TEST
MHz, 146.00 MHz, 147.00 MHz, 148.00 MHz,
switch. The signal should be heard again in the
149.00 MHz, 140.00 MHz, 141.00 MHz, 142.00
headset, indicating that the AN/ARC-134 squelch
MHz, 143.00 MHz, 144.00 MHz, 145.00 MHz,
circuit is disabled. Release the COMM TEST
145.10 MHz, 145.20 MHz, 145.30 MHz, 145.40
MHz, 145.50 MHz, 145.60 MHz, 145.70 MHz,
145.80 MHz, 145.90 MHz, and 145.95 MHz.
( 7 ) Set the SQUELCH DISABLE switch
( 5 ) Disconnect the AN/USM-44 and the
to ON. Indications should be the same as in (6)
ME-30A/U from the maintenance kit.
( 8 ) Set the SQUELCH DISABLE switch
e. Transmitter Output and Control Circuit
to OFF.
C h e c k s . Start the equipment as instructed in
c. Squelch Control Circuit Checks. Start
equipment as instructed in paragraph 2-6
AN/URM-120 and Dummy Load DA-75U to an-
proceed as follows:
tenna connector W1P3 on the maintenance kit
(1) Leave the equipment connected as
scribed in a and b above.
(2) Set the VHF COMM frequency selec-
(2) Leave switches in positions set at
tor switches (fig. 2-1) to 132.500 MHz.
conclusion of b above.
(3) Set the test panel PTT switch to ON.
A power output indication should be observed
fully clockwise.
o n the AN/URM-120, the INPUT CURRENT
(4) Adjust the AN/USM-44 output atten-
meter should indicate between 6 and 9 amperes,
uator for a minimum output (less than .1
and the red PTT lamp should light.
Change 1
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