TM 11-6625-1635-12
d. Coil the power cables at t h e rear of the
test panel, and secure the cables with a
(22 X 16 X 2 1 )
length of nylon tape.
6 ft
Tape, cloth backing, waterproof __
Tape, nylon -------------------
1 ft
e. Replace the rear cover on the equipment
21 sq ft
C u s h i o n i n g material (" thick-
case and secure the cover with six holddown
clamps (fig. 4-l).
b. Packaging. Package the items of the main-
f. Replace the front cover on the equipment
tenance kit as outlined below.
case (fig. 41) and secure the cover with six
(1) Place cushioning material in the
holddown clamps.
bottom of the shipping carton.
Caution 1: If the maintenance kit is
4-2. Repackaging for Shipment or Limited
being prepared for storage, close the air pres-
sure valve (fig. 1-1) to prevent moisture and
T h e exact procedure for repackaging depends
dust accumulation inside the equipment case.
o n the material available and the conditions
Caution 2: If the maintenance kit is be-
under which the equipment is to be shipped or
ing prepared for air shipment, open the air
s t o r e d . Adapt the procedures outlined below
pressure valve (fig. 1-1) to prevent possible
w h e n e v e r circumstances permit. The infor-
rupture of the equipment case at high alti-
m a t i o n concerning unpackaging (para 21)
will also be helpful.
(2) Place the maintenance kit in the ship-
p i n g carton and insert cushioning material
a. Material Requirements. The following ma-
around the equipment case.
terials are required for packaging the mainten-
a n c e kit. For stock numbers of materials,
(3) Secure the top of the shipping carton
consult SB 38100.
with the cloth-backed waterproof tape.
(2) Remove the covers from the unit and
4-3. Authority for Demolition
smash as many of the parts as possible.
The demolition procedures given in paragraph
b. Cut. U s e a x e s , m a c h e t e s , a n d s i m i l a r
using or salvaging this equipment. Demolition
tools to cut cabling, cording, and wiring. Cut
o f the equipment will be accomplished only
all cords and cables in a number of places.
upon the order of the commander.
Warning: Be extremely careful with ex-
p l o s i v e s and incendiary devices. Use these
4-4. Methods of Destruction
items only when the need is urgent.
The tactical situation and time available will
c. Burn.
Burn technical manuals and
deter-mine the method to be used w-hen destruc-
diagrams first. Burn as much of the equipment
t i o n of equipment is ordered. In most cases,
a s is flammable; use gasoline, oil, flame-
i t is preferable to completely demolish some
throwers, and similar materials. Pour gasoline
portions of the equipment rather than partially
o n the cut cables and internal wiring and
destroy all the equipment units.
i g n i t e it. Use a flamethrower to burn spare
parts, or pour gasoline on the spares and ignite
crowbars, and any other heavy tools available
to smash the interior units of the maintenance
d. Dispose. Bury or scatter destroyed parts
or throw them into nearby waterways. This is
(1) Use the heaviest tool on hand to
smash t h e c o n n e c t o r s , dials, k n o b s , and
p a r t i c u l a r l y important if a number of parts
have not been completely destroyed.
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